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शेतकरीविरोधी कायदे: सिलिंग कायदा

अमर हबीब यांच्या “शेतकरीविरोधी कायदा” या पुस्तकावर आधारित लेखांच्या मालिकेचा हा भाग 3 आहे.

किसान विरोधी कानून : सिलिंग कानून

अमर हबीब की किताब पर आधारित किसान विरोधी कानूनों पर लेखों की हमारी श्रृंखला का यह भाग 3 है।

Anti-Farmer Laws : Land Ceiling

This is the Part 3 of our series of articles on Anti-Farmer laws, based on the book by Amar Habib.

Hey Kids, Wanna Fight “Climate Change” ? Here’s a few things you should do !

"We are now committed to give our daughter a future again, by doing our part to help cool the planet."

Anthony Pompliano : The Battle is Between Bitcoin’s Missionaries and Wall Street’s Mercenaries

For Bitcoiners, this isn’t an investment. It is a peaceful protest against the system and a revolution that stands to change the world.

The Subsistence Fund Is the Heart of Economic Growth

The "subsistence fund" — created by real savings — is the foundation of true economic growth.

"Only the government can break the power of a dominant tech company"

Sometimes, it's your task to be the "Isaiah" in Albert Jay Nock's great essay called "Isaiah's Job".

For those who did not listen : well, we tried our best to warn you !

"Ultimately, the banking sector has to be bailed out with taxpayer money" - ON LIVE TELEVISION

[Video] Opportunity Cost : The Road Not Taken

Opportunity cost is the road not taken. Every action has a cost! Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

Anti-Capitalism Might Be Trendy, But It’s Wrong

Capitalism might have a bad rap, but the data simply doesn’t support the anti-capitalists.

[वीडियो] हम भारत सरकार के गुलाम क्यों हैं?

"Anarchy For Freedom" यूट्यूब चैनल से। उनके अन्य वीडियो जरूर देखें।

[VIDEO] How is Wealth Created ?

How is wealth created? Saving and investing is the key to personal wealth as well as the economic growth. Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

REPOST : A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws

Gun rights might not guarantee victory against tyrants, but being deprived of them all but guarantees submission.

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