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Sound Money Is Our Best Hope Against Monopolists

Adam Smith and Karl Marx both in their own ways were keenly aware of monopoly’s threat.

Marcus Aurelius’s Guide to Inner Freedom

In times like these we look to Marcus Aurelius’s "Meditations" where he instructs us in practices to restore our power of free will.

Marcus Aurelius’s Guide to Inner Freedom

In times like these we look to Marcus Aurelius’s "Meditations" where he instructs us in practices to restore our power of free will.

Marcus Aurelius’s Guide to Inner Freedom

In times like these we look to Marcus Aurelius’s "Meditations" where he instructs us in practices to restore our power of free will.

Why The “1%” Hates The Gold Standard

The gold standard is the biggest threat conceivable for the 1% , their purchased politicians, economist lackeys and caputred MSM outlets.

Why The “1%” Hates The Gold Standard

The gold standard is the biggest threat conceivable for the 1% , their purchased politicians, economist lackeys and caputred MSM outlets.

Sound Money Is Our Best Hope Against Monopolists

Adam Smith and Karl Marx both in their own ways were keenly aware of monopoly’s threat.

Bharat Karnad : Jaishankar is “pussyfooting” around the truth

Asked about India’s chances about securing a permanent seat in the UN Security Council, he said ” “Well, I will hope soon.”

Unlimited Paper Money Feeds the Myth of Unlimited Real Resources

It would be hard to invent a more effective method for the destruction of modern society. As Pogo would say, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

@sindastra thats incitement to violence and already pubishable under most criminal laws including in the us

@sindastra there is a difference between incitement to violence and hate speech. The former is generally considered to be not free speech. Hate speech is a vague category though.

@sindastra who decides what is "hate speech" ? Unelected judges, or an elected hard right hindutva govt ? You see the problem here?

[VIDEO] Economics in One Lesson : That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen

Henry Hazlitt and Frédéric Bastiat show us the difference between good and bad economics. Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

Anti-Farmer Laws : Constitutional Provisions

This is the Part 2 of our series of articles on Anti-Farmer laws, based on the book by Amar Habib.

The REAL Revolutionary Act is Working and Saving

This approach results in personal prosperity, an increase in society’s capital stock, and an acceleration of the inevitable demise of governmental monopolies.

The REAL Revolutionary Act is Working and Saving

This approach results in personal prosperity, an increase in society’s capital stock, and an acceleration of the inevitable demise of governmental monopolies.

Democracy Is The Ideal Distraction

Voting is not intended to count. It’s meant to be the pacifier that’s inserted into the public mouth periodically, when the public become grumpy that they must submit to kings.

Conspiracy theory 

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