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@TheSecularOne there is a difference between savings and investment. Unfortunately because of the housing loans mkt and rbi backing it, land is no longer a savings scheme but an investment

Savings are ideally inflation proof but zero risk and zero return. See our article

Government policies, not markets, are inherently unstable

The best people at making decisions with money are most likely not in government.

True Indology on the Indian Origins of the Fibonacci sequence

"Fibonacci sequence is nature's code. It is in everything from flowers to storm systems to the shape of galaxies".

True Indology on the Indian Origins of the Fibonacci sequence

"Fibonacci sequence is nature's code. It is in everything from flowers to storm systems to the shape of galaxies".

शेतकरीविरोधी कायदे: घटनात्मक तरतुदी

अमर हबीब यांच्या “शेतकरीविरोधी कायदा” या पुस्तकावर आधारित लेखांच्या मालिकेचा हा भाग 2 आहे.

शेतकरीविरोधी कायदे: घटनात्मक तरतुदी

अमर हबीब यांच्या “शेतकरीविरोधी कायदा” या पुस्तकावर आधारित लेखांच्या मालिकेचा हा भाग 2 आहे.

Anti-Farmer Laws : Constitutional Provisions

This is the Part 2 of our series of articles on Anti-Farmer laws, based on the book by Amar Habib.

किसान विरोधी कानून: संवैधानिक प्रावधान

अमर हबीब की किताब पर आधारित किसान विरोधी कानूनों पर लेखों की हमारी श्रृंखला का यह भाग 2 है।

Behavioral Economics Isn’t Very Useful

Behavioral economists are masters of comparing apples to oranges and dressing up incorrect statements in fancy language and mathematics.

IP is a scam and we’re All Free Riders. Get over It!

Anathematized and stigmatized today, free-riders built the lion’s share of the prosperity we enjoy today.

Government policies, not markets, are inherently unstable

The best people at making decisions with money are most likely not in government.

Lofty ideals of left have only given fascist governments. When in power they have the worst track records of human rights violations. China, USSR Cuba stand out.

Quoting Marx or quoting Deen Dayal Upadhyay is same level of bullshit.

Two stories by @nit_set on #PaisaPolitics has already revealed.a lot about the corrupt practices this govt follow to get things done. And more to come tomorrow. If only the whole nation could read about these.

In short:
1. They removed the 7.5% cap on profit that companies could donate.
2. Allowed foreign funding.
3. Brought electoral bond making donations anonymous despite objections from rbi and eci.

Now they r giving huge tax breaks.

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