RT @GirishNaught@twitter.com

@cereal_twit@twitter.com That's scary. And can be a handicap. Cc: @Vidyut@twitter.com, check this. 👇 twitter.com/cereal_twit/status

🐦🔗: twitter.com/GirishNaught/statu


What everyone (especially ladies) should do is keep a very loud whistle readily accessible. (On a lanyard around the neck, or strapped to a wrist). Can be a big help in case of a problem.

Mobiles shouldn't ever be allowed to drop below 60% charge. Good to carry a backup phone too.

ALWAYS keep your vehicle topped up with fuel. Check the battery regularly, replace at the first sign of trouble.

Always keep bags on the front seat next to you, and put a seatbelt on the bag of possible.


@bharatvarma @vidyut We also recommend self defence training and weapons.

@ilr @vidyut

Some details on the weapons, please.
Which ones are legal, effective and accessible?

Self defence training is good only when it's taken to a certain minimum level, else getting away is usually the best defence.

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