In a few days (9 Nov), I (& others from the #OSMFoundation Board) will do an #AMA about #OpenStreetMap on reddit.
You can now submit questions! 🙂 Ask us anything!
#xp #OSM #OSMF
Mobilizon. Your events. Your groups. Your data.
Go behind the scenes of the design of #Mobilizon, our new tool to free your groups and events from Facebook.
(illus CC-By @davidrevoy)
OpenStreetMapUS Connect2020 conference just started! Join in the zoom chat!!
Damn now I wish I was in London to see this
Announcing HACKERS: Costumes From The Motion Picture, opening Nov 19th !
For the first time since the movie’s release, fans and fashion geeks can get close and personal to a display of the main cast’s costumes, accessories and Rollerblades.
"if a google jamboard is not a sampler of various preserves I request our Gsuite money refunded" - @mrshll1001
If this whole season of Discovery will be about bringing hope and resurrecting the Federation, bring light to a dark universe, it will be amazing.
Star Trek is mostly about people who care with other people, studying and being the best they can be. About a society that cares more about the the collective good than profit, or power.
Values that we lack today.
If you want to join me here is the email address of the Plastic Soup Foundation:
#Email with end-to-end encryption, no ads, no tracking and no data sharing? We have what you’re looking for plus more, Librem One: Email, hat, Social, VPN #privacy #purism #libremone
I just donated to help GNOME fight trolls!
#GNOME #FOSS #trollfighting
Donate Now | GNOME Patent Troll Defense Fund by GNOME Foundation
If you are an #OpenStreetMaps user, I built a simple app that allows to display different maps ordered in categories.
You can use your location and switch easily from a map to another one.
It's really simple currently and we are testing it. The idea is from @Bristow_69
Some photos from last month's OpenStreetMap 15th birthday celebrations.
Linux and Openstreetmap enthusiast