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In a few days (9 Nov), I (& others from the #OSMFoundation Board) will do an #AMA about #OpenStreetMap on reddit.

You can now submit questions! 🙂 Ask us anything!
#xp #OSM #OSMF

#OpenStreetMap people have a whole PeerTube instance of their own, just filled to the brim with OSM talks!

A lot of French, like you might guess from the URL, but a fair amount of English talks too.

Mobilizon. Your events. Your groups. Your data.

Go behind the scenes of the design of #Mobilizon, our new tool to free your groups and events from Facebook.

(illus CC-By @davidrevoy)

OpenStreetMapUS Connect2020 conference just started! Join in the zoom chat!!

Damn now I wish I was in London to see this


Announcing HACKERS: Costumes From The Motion Picture, opening Nov 19th !

For the first time since the movie’s release, fans and fashion geeks can get close and personal to a display of the main cast’s costumes, accessories and Rollerblades.

"if a google jamboard is not a sampler of various preserves I request our Gsuite money refunded" - @mrshll1001

If this whole season of Discovery will be about bringing hope and resurrecting the Federation, bring light to a dark universe, it will be amazing.

Star Trek is mostly about people who care with other people, studying and being the best they can be. About a society that cares more about the the collective good than profit, or power.

Values that we lack today.

I've just been told that I'm "relentlessly open-source" and I think that's quite fitting and actually a compliment.

I can't be sure, but at least I'll pretend it is 😅

If you want to join me here is the email address of the Plastic Soup Foundation:

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This #vegan version of the Ronto Wrap at @Disneyland Star Wars Galaxy Edge was even better than the regular one. I hope they add it to the menu at @WaltDisneyWorld Galaxy Edge soon!…

with end-to-end encryption, no ads, no tracking and no data sharing? We have what you’re looking for plus more, Librem One: Email, hat, Social, VPN

Time to install some more software on my Librem 5.

This is fun. :)

If you are an #OpenStreetMaps user, I built a simple app that allows to display different maps ordered in categories.

You can use your location and switch easily from a map to another one.

It's really simple currently and we are testing it. The idea is from @Bristow_69




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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml