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No method of age verification is both privacy-protective and entirely accurate. Introducing these laws is dangerous, and expanding them to things like skincare, dating apps, and diet pills has enormous unintended consequences for your personal data.

@furilabs error 2252 encountered when posting on the FLX1 Forum

@piggz with you porting to a few other halium based devices to sfos and with @furilabs just releasing multiboot support for the flx1, I was wondering if you would be interested in porting sfos to it. It would be nice to get other halium OS on the flx1 considering the furilab folks have the full source to the phone for better fixes.

For those curious here is the initial showcase and is currently on my device in QA testing.
#sailfishos #FLX1 #furilabs #mobilelinux

Werner Von Braun standing next to the five F-1 engines of a Saturn V on display at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center

The Saturn V rocket was a type of rocket called a Heavy Lift Vehicle, meaning it was very powerful and could launch heavy payloads into orbit or beyond. It had three stages, each with its own engines and fuel tanks, that would separate from the rocket after burning out. The Saturn V was human-rated, meaning it was designed to carry humans safely. It was also powered by liquid fuel, which gave it more thrust and efficiency than solid fuel rockets.
It was 111 meters (363 feet) tall, about the height of a 36-story building, and 18 meters (60 feet) taller than the Statue of Liberty. It weighed 2.8 million kilograms (6.2 million pounds) when fully fueled for liftoff, the weight of about 400 elephants. It generated 34.5 million newtons (7.6 million pounds) of thrust at launch, creating more power than 85 Hoover Dams. It could launch about 118,000 kilograms (130 tons) into Earth orbit, or about 43,500 kilograms (50 tons) to the moon. That’s about as much weight as 10 or four school buses, respectively.

It had five F-1 engines in its first stage, which were the most powerful single-chamber liquid-fueled rocket engines ever developed. Each F-1 engine produced 1.5 million newtons (337,000 pounds) of thrust at sea level. The F-1 engines were so loud that they could be heard up to 64 kilometers (40 miles) away from the launch site.
The person photographed here is Werner von Braun. Werner von Braun was a German and American aerospace engineer and space architect who played a prominent role in the development of rocket technology and space exploration. He was also a member of the Nazi Party and the SS, which has raised ethical questions about his legacy.

He helped design and co-develop the V-2 rocket, the first artificial object to travel into space, for Nazi Germany during World War II. The V-2 was used as a weapon against Allied cities, killing thousands of civilians. He was secretly moved to the United States after the war, along with about 1,600 other German scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip. He worked for the US Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile program, and he developed the rockets that launched the first US satellite Explorer 1 in 1958. He became the director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V rocket, the most powerful rocket ever flown successfully. The Saturn V was used to launch astronauts to the moon as part of the Apollo program, and to launch Skylab, the first American space station.


❗️U.S. aerospace company Maxar Technologies has cut off Ukraine’s access to its satellite imagery services following a U.S. government request – Militarnyi. Another step in restricting intelligence sharing from the U.S. to Ukraine.

#FuriOS update 13.0.8 for #FLX1 has been delayed by about 10 days, but you why was this?

I decided to find the reason for the battery drain here is what we found

firstly, packagekit is a battery hog, so we wrote a #GNOME software plugin for aptkit for system updates, second was related to modems mainloop being blocked (sometimes and inconsistently) and not going to sleep and last (the hardest to find) was with the WiFi driver not going to sleep correctly.

All fixed up and landing this month!

Firefox 136 Available With AMD GPU Linux Video Acceleration, AArch64 Linux Binaries

Mozilla Firefox 136.0 release binaries are now available online ahead of tomorrow's official release announcement. Particularly on the Linux side, Firefox 136 is one of the more exciting updates in recent times...

Video: FuriPhone FLX1 - das Linux-Phone vorgestellt

Das FuriPhone FLX1 ist ein aufregendes neues Linux-Telefon, das die Grenzen der traditionellen Smartphone-Welt sprengt.

#linuxmobile #Linux

Why can't gnome just permanently shut up about too little disk space on /boot...

Mozilla deletes promise not to sell Firefox users’ data

The hits just keep on coming. Mozilla not only changed its Privacy Notice and introduced a Terms of Use for Firefox for the first time with some pretty onerous terms, they also removed a rather specific question and answer pair from their page with frequently asked questions about Firefox, as discovered by David Gerard.


High-speed rail in #Canada now has a name: Alto.

But does it have a future?

PM Justin Trudeau's announcement of a 1,000-km corridor running 300 km/h trains between #Quebec City and #Toronto is the news rail advocates have been waiting for.

Now is a good time to look at the fine print...


@backtoanalog I'm also a FLX1 user in the US (Utah), also on T-Mobile (Mint), it's definitely been my best experience on Linux mobile! I've been daily driving mine since I got it at the start of January.

Have you had a post about abortion removed or had your account suspended for posting about abortion? Your voice matters. Report your experience: #StopCensoringAbortion

Big win for Servo! Servo now passes 94.9% of Web Platform Tests for CSS2 Tables, surpassing Blink! 🎉 Big congrats to the team for their incredible progress on table support over the past year.

More photos and videos. According to Toronto Pearson Airport, all crews and passengers are accounted for.

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