Surviving grading so far. Always a stressful time for a martial artist. Wish my knees werent so buggered.
Consent Matters: When Tech Shares Your Secrets Without Your Permission Choose services that have no advertising, tracking or data sharing to begin with. Choose Librem One #purism #libremone #privacy #security
@lunduke the beauty of FLOSS is that you can rename it for your own purpose as you see fit
Just stumbled over the stunning talk given by Eben Moglen about behavior, attention, privacy and freedom at #republica19 in May this year.
I really liked his point that it's not required to invent new stuff to fix what's wrong today but "just" to undo stuff that went wrong in last years. Aligned very well with the idea of #indieweb and the fediverse. And he even mentioned #freedombox as a concrete solution.
Some community members talking about their experience working with the Farmer Support Group
More bad news about Monsanto. What a shame Google removed their "don't be evil" clause
Watch "Monsanto Paid Google To Bury Unfavorable Glyphosate News — The Political Vigilante" on YouTube
Australia, what havevyou become?
Journalists and whistleblowers will go to jail under new national security laws | Paul Farrell | Opinion | The Guardian
One of the best / funniest games I have seen in a while. A ton of local slang.
Creating an ethical, convenient alternative to #BigTech is everything #Purism stands for. As a Social Purpose Corporation, we design #security-focused hardware combined with freedom-respecting software and services: our #Librem hardware, #PureOS and Librem One #libremone
Attending the Ukulinga Howard Davis Memorial Symposium. Some very interesting speakers!
Watch "Greta Thunberg speech in Assemblée Nationale" on YouTube
We partnered with GDquest who will be making a series of tutorials, explaining how to make adaptive games with high-quality libre game engine Godot; tutorials showing how games can both be created and released on the Librem 5 smartphone, and later submitted to the PureOS store.
Watch "The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: A Man Goes to a Stranger's Bachelor Party" on YouTube
RT @gretathunberg
School strike week 52.
Pos 47 degrees 17 minutes north and 13 degrees 17 minutes west
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #climatestrike