@LucyWildboots @KimCrayton1 @jab01701mid @taylorlorenz @anildash
Spaces that are safe for Black people, are not automatically safe for trans people. People have to make it safe♥️👍🏿
Spaces safe for Black men, are not automatically safe for Black women. It takes effort.
But sometimes I hear it implied that Mastodon was made to be safe for trans and queer communities, therefore it should be safe for Black folk.
NEW from me: Despite ample evidence, #Christiannationalism mostly absent from final #Jan6 report —> https://religionnews.com/2022/12/23/christian-nationalism-mostly-absent-from-final-jan-6-report/
@daniecleme The basic answer is that Putin's war cost the global economy in the order of $3tn, or about 3% of global growth. That's not evenly spread, and decoding it is a lot of work (the US is more insulated from grain prices, but more vulnerable to, say, oil prices), but the comparable figure in the US is somewhere in the region of $600-$700bn a year in lost growth, or roughly equivalent to the entire US GDP growth for 2022.
A laptop stolen from your car doesn't wind up in a homeless Black person's tent in the Tenderloin. Racism and hate for the homeless makes you believe that lie.
Your laptop goes into a luxury car, then into a Faraday bag, then into a storage container where it is powered down and sits for a while, before being wiped and shipped to another city, where it's listed on Craigslist or another classifieds or auction site.
By volume, that's most of the break-ins. Homeless car smashers are the exception
Oh hell yeah. @mozilla is launching a Mastodon instance in early 2023! I’m very excited for this. Mozilla is really good at what they do. Firefox has over 200M monthly active users, and with any luck they’ll build better support for the fediverse into Firefox itself. Mastodon will greatly benefit from easy to use professionally run instances that can handle massive scaling https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mozilla-launch-fediverse-instance-social-media-alternative/
When I tell parents that secretly spying on their kids' internet activities is not a great look, they ask me "Well, what SHOULD I do?"
There is no all-purpose parenting answer, but this report from Malwarebytes outlines many of the key considerations: https://www.malwarebytes.com/resources/attachments/parenting-and-growing-up-online-10-2022.pdf
RT @GBGundersen@twitter.com
@TheRaDR@twitter.com It’s a way to avoid responsibility for real reform needed now & for past harm. Many times when I bring up White Supremacist Catholics—the response I get is that “they’re not real Catholics.” But the truth is they r & some of the most powerful ones! Has anyone excommunicated them?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GBGundersen/status/1603608595135754240
Soybean yakuza thread!
This is a continuation of a thread I started on twitter, shifting to Mastodon for Reasons.
Disclaimer, I'm not a historian of Japanese business practices.
That said: I think folks on tumblr may be confusing the yakuza (organized street crime) with zaibatsu (business conglomerates).
You see this vagueness in ADR titles like "Database decision". The title is not supposed to be *about* the decision; it *is* the decision.
I.e., "SQL Server adoption" is a decision, "MongoDB adoption" is a different decision, etc.
That means, each alternative is a separate decision, so "SQL Server adoption" is one decision and "MongoDB adoption" is a different decision written up in a different ADR. You decide to accept one of these and reject the other, but both are recorded.
The adults in Pokémon look creepy. Especially this Andy Warhol knockoff in #PokemonSV.
Greetings. The term "spam" in the context of the Internet has a fascinating history. While some historians point to an email sent by a salesman for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) to a then available list of ARPANET users (and yes, if you look at that email as archived, you can find my old UCLA email address on it!), the term actually comes originally from Usenet and later was adapted to its more familiar use relating to unsolicited email.
The problem was Usenet users who would "cross-post" the same messages to multiple newsgroups, causing significant irritation. The word "spam" was adopted for this annoying, repetitious behavior, drawing from a classic "Monty Python's Flying Circus" skit where a bunch of Vikings invade a cafe (that featured spam in most of their menu items) and repeatedly interrupted everyone with a loud song celebrating spam.
Many years later Python member Terry Jones told me that one of the things he was most proud of was their contribution of the word "spam" in this way to the culture of the Internet! -L
RT @albertfong@twitter.com
When I criticize a system, they think I criticize them – and that is of course because they fully accept the system and identify themselves with it.
- Thomas Merton (1967) https://twitter.com/TheRaDR/status/1602342704402337794
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/albertfong/status/1602440085974257666
RT @longislandtonv@twitter.com
@bintalshamsa@twitter.com @TheRaDR@twitter.com Absolutely. I often remind people that there's a reason that particularly on the East Coast major cities had ethnic neighborhoods, Jewish Irish Polish etc. All of those people were not considered white until their utility was needed from WASPs in power. Only then were they White.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/longislandtonv/status/1600597865499197440
((giant-ginger-giraffe.gif)). Full stack web engineer. Past: NCC Group (née Artemis), VA.gov, Chase Mobile, Resource (now IBM/IX), Disney.com, StarWars.com, Weedmaps.com.
🎮 Playing: #GuildWars2, #OxygenNotIncluded, #DysonSphereProgram, #Pokemon
📚 Reading: #TheLostMetal by #BrandonSanderson
🎧 Listening: #StickFigure, #TheVioletBurning, on repeat.
🧑💻 Working with: #Ruby, #Rails, #Javascript, #Golang, #Docker.
💩 Opinions: mine.
Tired. #ActuallyAutistic. he/him/mf.