“You didn't kill him?”
“In my heart, I did.”
Oof. That exchange in #HacksawRidge hits close to home.
As does the (accurate) depiction of the #PTSD (#CPTSD) that often haunts those of us who experienced ongoing domestic violence as children.
Happy Jan 6th! Remember, 1st coup always fails!🙂
Hitler. Saddam. Castro. All the big names took at least 2 shots, regardless of political philosophy!
And in the USA the rules of civility discourse meant that after Jan 6th, Biden had more to say to Black folk than he did to the far-right politicians that supported it.🤡 He made a big show of saying that he would fire any member of his admin that was "rude" to a member of the far-right.
He asked us to move on. Our answer was no.
It's still no.
OK let’s talk about That Op-ed. The one that insisted not only that privacy is dangerous, but that not affirmatively building surveillance into communication tools is a radical ideological position.
Dunking on the op-ed’s arguments is easy. They’re SHALLOW. And dunk many have, often with the gentleness of a professor grading a draft essay from a student they didn’t want to completely discourage. I’ll direct you to the great threads from others...
Today insulin is capped at $35 for those on Medicare. Democrats unanimously voted for this, yet so-called "pro life" Republicans unanimously opposed.
There are MILLIONS of people w/diabetes too young for Medicare.
Insulin needs to be free & accessible for ALL. #MakeInsulinFree
RT @GlennonDoyle@twitter.com
We don’t really know how to fix harm.
We ask folks who’ve been wronged to forgive but rarely ask wrongdoers to repair.
@TheRaDR@twitter.com is sharing a 5-step process to repair relationships & what to do if you want to make amends.
Listen to today's #WCDHT at https://apple.co/3vkSFAk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GlennonDoyle/status/1607774149363093506
@folduptoys The only reason mass schooling is even tolerated at all is because its victims are children and young people, i.e. demographics whose lives society believes don't really matter.
“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin
RT @carynrose@twitter.com
This is one of the most radical things I have read in a very long time. I’m going to have to read it a few more times but I can already feel some brain cells shifting in a very drastic way. Serious as a heart attack https://twitter.com/andreagrimes/status/1607503845453602816
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/carynrose/status/1607558574892322817
The mega-post on the Book of Judith:
Storytelling, annotations, art, beheadings, cheese.
Enjoy, friends.
Behind Blue Eyes
Did you know that reindeer are the only known mammal whose eyes change seasonally from golden in the summer to a wintry blue? Their eyes also become a thousand times more sensitive in winter, adapting to dim light in the near darkness to avoid predators.
Part of this is because of changes in the tapetum lucidum (TL), a mirror-like layer under the retina. 1/n
He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.
Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.
Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software and Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit anyone's ever said, so when people say he's a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.
My oldest kiddo made this:
A Bûche de Noël, with gluten-free chocolate cake, chocolate mousse filling, chocolate bark, and meringue mushrooms.
@LucyWildboots @KimCrayton1 @jab01701mid @taylorlorenz @anildash
Spaces that are safe for Black people, are not automatically safe for trans people. People have to make it safe♥️👍🏿
Spaces safe for Black men, are not automatically safe for Black women. It takes effort.
But sometimes I hear it implied that Mastodon was made to be safe for trans and queer communities, therefore it should be safe for Black folk.
((giant-ginger-giraffe.gif)). Full stack web engineer. Past: NCC Group (née Artemis), VA.gov, Chase Mobile, Resource (now IBM/IX), Disney.com, StarWars.com, Weedmaps.com.
🎮 Playing: #GuildWars2, #OxygenNotIncluded, #DysonSphereProgram, #Pokemon
📚 Reading: #TheLostMetal by #BrandonSanderson
🎧 Listening: #StickFigure, #TheVioletBurning, on repeat.
🧑💻 Working with: #Ruby, #Rails, #Javascript, #Golang, #Docker.
💩 Opinions: mine.
Tired. #ActuallyAutistic. he/him/mf.