“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation.”
The quote seems to be attributed to Gustavo Petro and Enrique Peñalosa as well (both former mayors of Bogotá).
#RailwaySunday #Bogotá #Colombia #PublicTransport #wealth #poverty #society
EU Court upholds Commission decision to designate TikTok parent as gatekeeper
The EU Court of Justice upheld on Wednesday (17 July) the European Commission’s decision to designate TikTok’s parent company ByteDance as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act, dismissing all arguments presented by the company.
After sitting in a SBB RABe 501 “Giruno” for seven hours on an international connection, I was not entirely impressed with the experience. I really liked the interiour design and was delighted to have a power plug to myself and free wifi in both countries. However, the seats were quite underwhelming. Too hard and the head restraint uncomfortable. I tried to get some sleep, but was simply unable to do so.
#SBB #SFR #train #RABe501 #Giruno #railway #Europe #Switzerland #Italy
“Labour will renationalise the railways ‘as soon as possible’, the new Transport Secretary has said after Sir Keir Starmer chaired his first Cabinet meeting.”
This will undo reforms in the 1990s, in which British Rail was privatised and handed over to private entities.
Before the general election, Labour pledged that renationalisation should be completed within five years.
#RailwaySunday #railways #trains #UK #labour #politics #nationalisation
Ariane 6 rocket successfully launches, flight in progress
The launch marks a big success for Europe’s space program.
Für mich persönlich ist es eine Erleichterung und für #Europa eine gute Nachricht: Die Menschen in #Frankreich haben progressiv gewählt und den Rechten eine klare Absage erteilt! Ich bin froh, dass der Rechtsruck ausgeblieben ist. https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/frankreich-wahl-264.html
Ex-SAR 33-200 locomotive now owned by Sheltam and doing duty in DRC for SNCC. Picture taken near Kamina, DRC.
Image credit: Redhonda/CC0 1.0
#RailwaySunday #Train #Railway #DRC #Congo #DemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo #Sheltam
TIL that people in medieval times slept in two segments
#til #todayilearned
Europe’s next big rocket in a nutshell
Ariane 6 is the newest rocket in a series that has, for five decades, been launching Europe towards the stars. Building on all the knowledge, expertise and technology developed over the years, Ariane 6 will be versatile, modular, and European.
The London Underground, London's famous metro, has its origins in the Metropolitian Railway, which opened on 10 January 1863. It was the world's first underground passenger railway. With its ~160 years of service, the London rapid transit system is the oldest of its kind on the planet.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Underground
#RailwaySunday #London #UK #UnitedKingom #TheTube #LondonUnderground #Trains #Railways #History
With over 960 km of track being more than 4,000 m above sea level, [the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, pictured,] is the highest railway line in the world. The Tanggula railway station at 5,068 m is the world's highest railway station.
Image credit: Windmemories/CC BY-SA 4.0 (cropped)
The US has permitted Ukraine to use its weapons to strike targets within 100 kilometers of the Russian border. This could potentially affect cities like Bilhorod, Kursk, and the outskirts of Bryansk. Aircraft that threaten Ukraine, can also be targeted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/21/ukraine-firing-range-us-weapons-russia/
Most people think of streetcars as running in cities. But the interurbans were long-distance streetcar lines, some of them 60 miles long, reaching into farmers’ fields and forests with electric wires or third rails.
Dear #EU citizens: *Do* get in touch with your politicians and media *today*. The vote may already be tomorrow. 😱
#ChatControl #NoChatControl #ChatKontrolle #ChatKontrolleStoppen
Ontario Northland's Polar Bear Express train south of Moosonee (Canada).
Image credit: 40rev/CC BY-SA 3.0
TIL it's estimated that out of the 100,000 or more species of mushrooms worldwide, just over 100 are toxic.
#til #todayilearned
How cool is that. You can buy a complete SEVA suit from the #Stalker game: https://39bullets.com/cosplay/suit-from-stalker-chn-3b
Must. Resist. 🙂
Here should be a list of nouns and adjectives that describes my personality and what I stand for.