Er hat ja so recht. 😟
"Furcht führt zu Wut, Wut führt zu Hass. Hass führt zu unsäglichem Leid.“
Der Trend zu #Fleischersatz ist ungebrochen: Im Jahr 2023 produzierten die Unternehmen in Deutschland 16,6 % mehr Fleischersatzprodukte als im Jahr zuvor, binnen vier Jahren hat sich die Produktion sogar mehr als verdoppelt (+113,8 % gegenüber 2019). Mehr:
Does someone know whether it's legal to toot game screenshots (taken by myself) on Mastadon? I'd like to share some every now and then, but don't wanna get into trouble.
#gaming #law #internet #copyright
+++ Selenski fordert, was Israel bekam +++
Israel parierte den iranischen Luftangriff – mit internationaler Hilfe. Das fordert jetzt auch Selenski für die Ukraine.
+++ Cargo Sous Terrain: Die Strecken sind in der Region Bern geplant +++
Die Güterbahn bis in die Region Bern und das Oberland zu verlängern, ist machbar. Aber es gibt Stolpersteine.
Wir sind dieses Wochenende nur durch unglaubliches Glück und extrem knapp an wohl einer der grössten Katastrophen rund um die globale IT-Sicherheit vorbeigeschrammt.
Phuh! Doch — was ist eigentlich passiert? Wie konnte das überhaupt geschehen? Und was können (und müssen) wir tun, um dies zukünftig zu vermeiden?
Und: Danke an die ganzen IT-Helden, die dies an diesem langen Wochenende für uns getan haben.
#xz #lzma #ssh
It took my a couple of attempts to reach 100 mph and finish the Re-Record scenario in #TrainSimWorld4 What lead to success was to run the #FlyingScotsman with 50% on both the Reverser and the Regulator. Just tooting in case someone else is struggeling as well.
Die Dänen haben es richtig gemacht. Nach der Ölkrise in den Siebziger haben sie allmählich begonnen, sich von fossilen Brennstoffen zu verabschieden. Ihr sehr umfangreiches Fernwärmennetz ermöglicht es ihnen nun zentrale Wärmepumpen zu bauen und dann zu nutzen. Gebaut wird die dann größte Wärmepumpe der Welt, die 100.000 Dän*innen versorgen wird in Esbjerg von einer deutschen Firma. Sie ersetzt ein ganzes Kohlekraftwerk. Neue Gasheizungen sind dort seit 2013 schon verboten.
This is fascinating. The top line reflects Chinese population throughout history & bottom line reflects Europe’s population. China’s centralized political landscape is conducive to population booms during peaceful times, but each time political power crumbled resulted in huge population decline comparable to Black Death in Europe. Meanwhile, despite its frequent wars, Europe’s fragmented nature means that damages tend to be regional with relatively few deaths.
#YouTube is complying with this geo ban in #India 🇮🇳, & so is #Twitter / #X.
I assume #Meta is also blocking this video on #Instagram, #Facebook & #Threads.
👉🏾 YouTube blocks access to Fifth Estate story on killing of B.C. Sikh activist at India's demand | CBC News
This is why the #Fediverse is important folks! It is easier for governments to pressure large social networks, but much harder to stop thousands of federated social sites.
#Norway will donate up to 1.6 billion Norwegian crowns ($153 million) for a #Czech-led initiative to buy ammunition for #Ukraine from third countries, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr #Stoere said in a statement on Thursday.
"Ukraine urgently needs large quantities of artillery ammunition to withstand the Russian war of aggression," Stoere said.
Yesterday I watched The Zone of Interest. Without doubt, one of the best and most disturbing movies about the Holocaust I've ever seen.
The subtle hints to the terrors of the second world war without actually showing them makes the movie even more compelling. Unlike other films, it trusts the viewer to be familiar with what happened at the time and doesen't make use of already told narratives and clichés.
#TimothySnyder taz #Ukraine interview
"Ukraine can certainly win... Europe and North America... have the economic and industrial base to decide this war. But we prefer to deploy them very slowly or not at all... Europe should become more independent of the USA in security matters. This year, the European goal must be to ensure that Ukraine does not lose the war. In the next two or three years, the goal should be to help it win. Regardless of what the Americans do..."!5991717/
Russia is in the 3rd year of a 3 day war.
Russia has lost more the 315,000 soldiers.
They’ve lost nearly 90% of the Russian prewar army.
Russia has lost 9 ships, including a flagship, to Ukraine which does not have a blue water navy.
Russia can end this by simply leaving from the pre-2014 borders of #Ukraine.
Russia can stop their own damage tomorrow if they choose to.
Here should be a list of nouns and adjectives that describes my personality and what I stand for.