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Where in #Russia do the #Russian soldiers come from? Laura #Solanko's new report tracks the increases in household bank deposits as a proxy for regional incidence of mobilization and casualties.



The #German #Bundestag is to decide on two motions concerning the supply of long-range weapons to #Ukraine. The Union demands that this also include #Taurus cruise missiles. But Chancellor #Scholz continues to reject this.

#Russia #EU #Germany

Er hob diesen Schleier

Der Ägyptologe und Religionswissenschaftler Jan Assmann ist tot. Er starb in Konstanz nach langer Krankheit im Alter von 85 Jahren. Ein Nachruf.

von Patrick Bahners

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day for a few months, until it stops being fun and starts being work

Backdoors that let cops decrypt messages violate human rights, EU court says

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that weakening end-to-end encryption disproportionately risks undermining human rights.

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #EU #EuropeanUnion #ECHR #EuropeanCourtOfHumanRights #CouncilOfEurope

25 Millionen Menschen im Sudan brauchen dringend Hilfe

Im Sudan tobt seit Monaten ein Bürgerkrieg. Dadurch sind laut UN-Experten rund 25 Millionen Menschen dringend auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. In dem afrikanischen Land gebe es mehr als neun Millionen Binnenflüchtlinge.


#Sudan #UN

200,000 gather across Germany in latest protests against far-right

Around 200,000 people took to the streets in Germany on Saturday (3 February), most of them in the capital Berlin, as nationwide protests against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party entered their fourth week.

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Germany #FarRight #AFD

"It may be hard to understand why these developers would continue coding a video game in a war zone, but for many, Stalker 2 is their life's work."

Interesting article about on website published today

Ukraine is critically low on ammo, and Russia conducts 50 attacks daily, while the US Congress is holding back the aid to Ukraine.

Putin must be laughing at how much control he has over the US thanks to Trump.

+++ Kamerun startet das weltweit erste Impfprogramm gegen Malaria +++

Im Kampf gegen Malaria sollen mit einem neuen Impfstoff weniger Infektionen und weniger Todesfälle erreicht werden.

Auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos fordern mehrere Superreiche in einem offenen Brief, höher besteuert zu werden, um soziale Ungleichheit zu bekämpfen. Der Appell ist nicht neu. Doch warum geschieht das nicht?
Superreiche in Davos: "Bitte besteuert uns"

I pray the #EuropeanUnion 🇪🇺 approves sending funds to #Ukraine 🇺🇦. I do wonder how they will overcome opposition from #Hungary 🇭🇺‽

👉🏾 EU will approve Ukraine aid with or without Hungary: von der Leyen

announced the final release date of today: 5 September 2024. I definitely prefer a polished game over an early release.

"The Bear" räumt bei den Emmy Awards ab

In Los Angeles wurden die Emmy Awards verliehen. Abräumer des Abends war die Serie "The Bear" mit allein zehn Auszeichnungen. Eine wichtige Rolle spielte auch die Mutter des Moderators. Von Nils Dampz.


#EmmyAwards #Emmy

Today I joined many people in one of their beloved rituals—the Sunday afternoon walk. And I must say, I quite enjoyed it.

Europe’s Ariane-6 rocket maiden flight expected by summer, space agency boss says

After almost three years of delay, the first flight of Europe’s last-generation space rocket Ariane-6 is now planned for the summer, the European Space Agency’s boss Josef Aschbacher said on Thursday (11 January).

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Ariane #Ariane6 #ESA #Space

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