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Working on another sticker for #37c3 - found this image a while ago, but only as a lowres jpg, so I re-did it as a vector graphic.

#infosec #devops #sticker
We do not test on animals, we test in production.

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Wenn wir schon bei Überwachungskapitalismus sind:

"Und wer die Banner [der Schweizer Zeitungswebseiten] genauer liest und auf die Links gelisteter Cookie-Anbieter für Marketing­zwecke klickt, stellt fest: Es fliessen Daten ab zu Diktaturen und an autoritäre Länder."

Daten über die Leserinnen *selbst* zu sammeln und verantwortungsbewusst damit umzugehen—und vielleicht sogar Werbung auszuspielen—ist *ein* Ding. Aber verteilt diese Daten nicht in der Weltgeschichte herum!

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#BBCWorldService news:
Scientists say it is now too late to prevent the melting of the West #Antarctic ice sheet from heating caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The study -- published in Nature #Climate Change -- found that the melting of the ice will continue to accelerate even if emissions are controlled. They say the likely sea-level rise would be greater than previously assumed. But the report says we can still save the ice on the other side of Antarctica which sits on land #ClimateChange

Die Polarisierung von Politik und Diskus hat einerseits mit Stress zu tun. Unter Stress sind Menschen nicht gut im Denken. Andererseits damit, dass soziale Medien im Prinzip Bekenntnismaschinen sind.
Sie sind nicht dazu da, Argumente oder Gefühle auszutauschen. Sondern sich für eine Seite zu bekennen.

In case folks aren't aware, the Internet Archive now has a scholar version with a huge collection of academic work available.

#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academic #education #open

You can now add the full cast and crew to your favourite movies and TV shows in the OFDb 🎬

The Wiki will give you more info on how to do so:

I almost missed my train because decided to install updates for more than 5 minutes... 🙄

Spanish company launches reusable rocket in breakthrough for European space ambitions

Startup PLD Space says launch of Miura-1 is ‘just the beginning’ amid European drive to send satellites into orbit

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #EU #EuropeanUnion #Spain #Space

Norway wants Facebook behavioural advertising banned across Europe.

Norway has told the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) it believes a countrywide ban on Meta harvesting user data to serve up advertising on Facebook and Instagram should be made permanent and extended across Europe.

#Europe #Norway #EU #EuropeanDataProtectionBoard #EDPB #Facebook #Meta #Advertising #Privacy

The European Commission is ready to approve the start of negotiations with Ukraine regarding EU membership.

The European Commission is expected to recommend launching a years-long accession process next month. But it may insist on progress in some priority areas including corruption as interim steps.

Scientists have recovered a complete DNA transcriptome from...

wait for it...


European governments shrinking railways in favour of road-building, report finds

Rail networks in most countries have been starved of funding while motorways lengthen, study shows

With the first day of hitting , I must admit that this season has its beauty, too.

#Climate #News: Plant-based food alternatives could support a shift to global sustainability: Replacing 50% of meat and milk products with plant-based alternatives by 2050 can reduce agriculture and land use related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% and halt the degradation of forest and natural land, according to new research.

Just came back from abroad. Once more, I'm amazed how green is.

Maybe when the computer asks "are you a robot?" it's just trying to find its family. Ever think about that? No, you only think about yourself.

Seit Jahren dominiert die SVP mit ihrer Zuwanderungskritik die öffentliche Debatte. Eine Recherche der Republik zeigt nun: Die Partei gibt falsche Antworten – auf die falschen Fragen.

Kriminalität, Wohnungsnot, verstopfte Strassen: Das sind nicht Zuwanderungsprobleme, «sondern, wie in jeder wachsenden Gesellschaft, Verteilprobleme».

Die zentrale Erkenntnis: Die Schweizer Bevölkerung wird immer älter. «Die Schweiz hat nicht zu viele Zuwanderer. Sondern bald zu wenige.»

Very glad to hear that the was invited as a permanent member of the !

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