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+++ Geschirrspüler mit Zusatzprogrammen hinter Paywall +++

Eine Spülmaschine von V-Zug sorgt bei einem Kunden für Kopfschütteln: Nur mit Abo hat er Zugriff auf Spezialprogramme.

The Addis Ababa Light Rail in Ethiopia's capitol is the first of its kind in eastern and sub-saharan Africa. The two lines began operation in 2015 and have a total daily ridership of 56,000. The rolling stock consists of 41 low-floor trams by CNR Changchun.
Photo credit: A.Savin, Wikipedia/Free Art License (cropped)

Der Kohleausstieg in Europa ist damit längst in vollem Gange: Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta und Zypern hatten sogar nie Kohlekraftwerke. 2025 wollen Griechenland, Irland, Italien und Ungarn ihr letztes Kohlekraftwerk vom Netz nehmen. Damit wird dann erstmals die Mehrheit der 27 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten ohne Kohleverstromung auskommen. Frankreich will 2027 folgen, Dänemark 2028, Finnland und die Niederlande 2029.

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Mozilla bought the excellent Android email app K-9 (which didn’t include any trackers) and integrated trackers as part of #Mozilla‘s rebranding under the #Thunderbird name.

They even made it opt-out instead of opt-in. Their defense for breaking the law: ”we wouldn’t have enough data if we obeyed the law.“

It doesn’t matter whether you ”anonymized“ the data or not: If you want to extract data from someone’s device to yours, you may do so only if they knowingly consented.

60 years ago, on Oct 1st, 1964, the very first Shinkansen line was inaugurated. It connected Tokyo and Osaka with new trains reaching up to 220km/h. With its introduction just in time for the Olympic Games in Japan, the era of highspeed trains dawned. (in German)

TIL Medieval Peasants generally received anywhere from eight weeks to a half-year off. At the time, the Church considered frequent and mandatory holidays the key to keeping a working population from revolting.
#til #todayilearned

Over 300 scientists from 33 countries have signed yet another open letter criticising Hungary's proposal for EU #ChatControl:

Client-side scanning of ALL end-to-end encrypted private communication (messages, email..)

In other words: mass surveillance!

European countries are increasingly avoiding or halting arms purchases from #Switzerland, chafing at restrictions linked to the country’s neutrality. A case involving #Germany is stirring controversy in Switzerland.

Germany has now decided to exclude Swiss companies from certain military procurement contracts. According to #armasuisse director Urs #Loher, this is a clear signal that Switzerland is no longer seen as “reliable” in Germany.

#Russia #EU

With 5,068 metres above sea level, the Tanggula railway station in Tibet is the highest railway station in the world. The unstaffed station is part of the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons/Yaohua2000/CC BY-SA 3.0

Just donated, but didn't spend any money!

I donate blood as often as possible—while it only costs me some time, it is much needed by many.

«Martin Andree: "Die Digitalkonzerne zerstören unsere Demokratie"
#Facebook, #Youtube und Co zerstören die demokratische Öffentlichkeit, sagt der Medienwissenschaftler Martin Andree. „Wenn wir sie nicht stoppen, dann werden unsere Kinder nicht mehr in einer #Demokratie leben.“ Er fordert: #BigTech muss weg!»

Leider reden sich zu viele #Medien sich dem raus ohne bewusst zu sein, wie sie über #Socialmedia beeinflusst werden anhand der #Reichweite falsch zu bewerten.


TRAVIC visualizes transit data from all over the world, published by transit agencies and operators. While mostly based on static data, there is also real-time tracking available (if made accessible by operators).

Inspired by Google's move to remove @organicmaps from the Playstore without warning, I finally decided to move my > 3,000 Google Maps saved places to Organic Maps. To facilitate doing this for others' benefit, I made a quick webpage to convert your Google Maps GeoJSON data to a KMZ that renders well in Organic Maps.

A German is never late. Nor are they early. They arrive precisely when Deutsche Bahn allows them to.
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