I had the problem that my #Drupal view listed removed #paragraphs because they were still part of old revisions and, hence, couldn't and shouldn't be deleted from the database.
Adding a relationship "By id: Relate each Content with a field_your_paragraph_field set to the Paragraph." and enabling "Require this relationship" fixed the problem. The removed paragraphs disappeared from the view. Phew.
Tooting my solution in case someone has the same problem.
Having enough electricity in winter is the big challenge for climate neutrality in 2050. This requires gigantic – electricity storage systems or new nuclear power plants, says author Andreas Züttel. It is an explosive result: If Switzerland wants to be climate neutral in 2050, building six to eight #nuclear power plants is the cheapest alternative. That’s how it stands in a study a team led by Andreas Züttel, who researches at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).
Echt schade, wobei die Qualität schon vorher zu sinken begann. Aber ja, was ich bisher von der neuen Staffel gesehen habe, ist schon flach und farblos. Im Moment schaue ich die Serie nur wegen dem "Completionist" in mir weiter und hoffe, dass es doch noch besser wird.
The Channel Tunnel connecting the United Kingom with mainland Europe was officially opened on May 6th, 1994. Last monday marked the 30 year anniversary.
The construction took 6 years and 13,000 people were involved in the project. Pre-COVID more than 11 Mio people boarded the Eurostar passenger trains, and as many people used the car shuttle service (2019).
#RailwaySunday #ChannelTunnel #Eurostar #Europe #France #UnitedKingdom
Source: Wikipedia
Image credit: Billy69150/CC BY-SA
I'm convinced the lack of support to easily book border-crossing trips is one of the main reasons why people take the plane even for fairly short trips. It's quite sad, really.
Weil einige zu meiner Rede beim #Israeltag in #Stuttgart gefragt haben: Es ist wirklich wahr, #Äthiopien reduziert seine #Öl-Importe durch das Aus für Verbrennermotoren drastisch. Ein schneller Umstieg auf erneuerbare #Friedensenergien wäre auch in #Europa🇪🇺 längst möglich.
Ich fahre übrigens seit 7 (sieben!) Jahren glücklich das gleiche, französische #Elektroauto. Derzeit nutzt es mein Sohn, um zu seiner #Bundeswehr-Kaserne ohne ÖPNV-Anschluss zu gelangen. Bizarr, oder? https://www.watson.de/nachhaltigkeit/good-news/689811742-e-mobilitaet-aethiopien-verbietet-verbrenner-autos
As a former librarian I wish a very friendly Fuck You and Die to book publishers. They are the scum of the Earth.
They hate libraries. Did you know that they induce artificial scarcity by making libraries pay for each digital copy of a book? Despite ebooks being infinitely replicable, they make libraries pay for more than one copy at a time. Publishers deliberately force a limit on the supply of digital library books to extort more money out of libraries for popular titles.
In addition, publishers lobbied (in the UK) to make library ebooks only work through their apps on mobile and PC, and not compatible with any Kindle/Kobo/etc so people wouldn’t get a good experience. There is a cartel — made solely of a company called Overdrive. Their app is absolute buggy dogshit. A far cry from the breezy and simple interface of an e-reader.
But it gets worse. Original proposals from the publishers wanted it so that service users could only download ebooks while physically in the library, thus negating the convenience of them!
Despite ebooks being cheaper to produce than a traditional book and infinitely reproducable, Overdrive will sometimes charge more for an ebook than a supplier would charge for the equivalent copy.
Publishers would have lobbied against the invention of public libraries if they could. And take it from me — public libraries are one of the few open spaces left on this planet where one can just exist at without needing to pay for anything.
The first piece is a photo taken by myself of the Gornergrat Bahn halted at the Gornergrat station with the famous Matterhorn in the background. According to Wikipedia, it is the second highest railway in Europe at an altitude of 3,089m (after the Jungfrau, which is also in Switzerland) and opened more than 100 years ago (1898 to be precise).
Image license CC BY-SA.
#RailwaySunday #Trains #Gornergrat #Matterhorn #Switzerland #Mountains #Technology #Scenery
Er hat ja so recht. 😟
"Furcht führt zu Wut, Wut führt zu Hass. Hass führt zu unsäglichem Leid.“
Der Trend zu #Fleischersatz ist ungebrochen: Im Jahr 2023 produzierten die Unternehmen in Deutschland 16,6 % mehr Fleischersatzprodukte als im Jahr zuvor, binnen vier Jahren hat sich die Produktion sogar mehr als verdoppelt (+113,8 % gegenüber 2019). Mehr: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2024/05/PD24_N018_42.html
Does someone know whether it's legal to toot game screenshots (taken by myself) on Mastadon? I'd like to share some every now and then, but don't wanna get into trouble.
#gaming #law #internet #copyright
+++ Selenski fordert, was Israel bekam +++
Israel parierte den iranischen Luftangriff – mit internationaler Hilfe. Das fordert jetzt auch Selenski für die Ukraine.
+++ Cargo Sous Terrain: Die Strecken sind in der Region Bern geplant +++
Die Güterbahn bis in die Region Bern und das Oberland zu verlängern, ist machbar. Aber es gibt Stolpersteine.
Wir sind dieses Wochenende nur durch unglaubliches Glück und extrem knapp an wohl einer der grössten Katastrophen rund um die globale IT-Sicherheit vorbeigeschrammt.
Phuh! Doch — was ist eigentlich passiert? Wie konnte das überhaupt geschehen? Und was können (und müssen) wir tun, um dies zukünftig zu vermeiden?
Und: Danke an die ganzen IT-Helden, die dies an diesem langen Wochenende für uns getan haben.
#xz #lzma #ssh
It took my a couple of attempts to reach 100 mph and finish the Re-Record scenario in #TrainSimWorld4 What lead to success was to run the #FlyingScotsman with 50% on both the Reverser and the Regulator. Just tooting in case someone else is struggeling as well.
Credit: https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/flying-scotsman-tip.73674/
Die Dänen haben es richtig gemacht. Nach der Ölkrise in den Siebziger haben sie allmählich begonnen, sich von fossilen Brennstoffen zu verabschieden. Ihr sehr umfangreiches Fernwärmennetz ermöglicht es ihnen nun zentrale Wärmepumpen zu bauen und dann zu nutzen. Gebaut wird die dann größte Wärmepumpe der Welt, die 100.000 Dän*innen versorgen wird in Esbjerg von einer deutschen Firma. Sie ersetzt ein ganzes Kohlekraftwerk. Neue Gasheizungen sind dort seit 2013 schon verboten.
Here should be a list of nouns and adjectives that describes my personality and what I stand for.