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Ariella boosted

I went to my computer for something that I forgot. Mom started chatting, I chatted with a friend, another friend started an interesting Stargoid battle stream on my Discord server, I placed an order for new bathroom towels...

Then I remembered I came to the computer to reboot my NAS.

Running a is expensive busy work!

Maria Ressa on how can enable free speech that stifles free speech (through the popularization of lies/conspiracy):

Facts are needed for truth, which leads to trust, which leads to genuine human connection.

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My birth and death are the same moment at this scale.

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All previous WHOAs have been retired.

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Stop. Go. Have existential crisis about Mind incapable of perceiving the universe. 🤩

Ariella boosted

Please only respond if you identify as trans, thank you (boosts welcome)

"I am trans and..."

Ariella boosted

Warning: Do not use Hive Social ⚠️🐝

We found multiple critical security vulnerabilities in the App, leaking private messages, posts, images and user data like phone numbers, emails and birthdates.

Ariella boosted
Ariella boosted

new essay! not only debunks "trans social contagion" & "gr00ming" charges, but shows how they're linked, and explains the unconscious thinking behind both anti-trans campaigners' obsession with us & the TERF-to-fascist pipeline.

no paywall link, pls share & give it lots of "claps" (up to 50) so other ppl see it!

#trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #bisexual #LGBTQ #queer #feminism #socialjustice #sex #gender #sexuality #psychology

Ariella boosted

btw, for those of you on Twitter, I did a whole thread of excerpts from my Anti-Trans “Grooming” and “Social Contagion” Claims Explained essay yesterday – check it out here:

#trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #bisexual #LGBTQ #queer #feminism #socialjustice #sex #gender #sexuality #psychology

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Ariella boosted
Ariella boosted

In case it's not clear, wearing a mask indoors at all times means not eating entire meals at restaurants or hanging out inside bars.

For some reason, many of my very smart friends don't seem to understand this. They even Like all my posts about mask-wearing, and then they post pictures of themselves at meetings, dinners, concerts, etc with no masks in sight. 🤦🏽

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Ariella boosted

COVID and public health, truth and lies 

A friend and I discussing the increasing complexity of personal computing:

He: Now it is: ‘Net up? VPN connected? Email (accounts) working? DNS right? Battery not swelling? Mouse driver loaded? TB2/3/4 or USB-3/3.2/3.2 Gen1/3.2 2x2?

Me: And: Am I wearing pants? 1980s computers and dial-up networking are looking pretty good right about now! But not pants. Those can stay gone.

This couple kills me bwahaha!

Description: husband is on one knee looking at a short tree with low branch and needles count. After the wife makes fun with of his comment, she and the camera snap around and enter slow motion to follow her walking away with chin up, smugly. Her grin grows and the husband throws his hat in her direction. Video stops just before the hat makes contact with her head.

You know you're getting old when you recite some from Dylan Thomas (Do not go gentle into that good night...rage, rage etc.) to your dad, and he doesn't know what you're talking about, has never heard it, and doesn't understand its meaning.

Or maybe it's because I've seen more recent films that quoted it, like . ;)

Anyway, here's an impactful reading by Sir Anthony Hopkins:

When building or buying a computer, make sure it's special enough so that you relate to it as THE computer, not A computer.

You'll love it longer, reach for it with more passion as a creative tool, and in general the value returned will flow more and for longer.

It's also just tons more fun and leads to better system names like "Tangie" (99 iBook) or "Angel" (white PC case with Overwatch Mercy wing decal.)

Keep personal. 🥰

I haven't been captioning my images. I'm sorry. I'll do better. 🤗

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