I was looking for some new #vinyl, not a new #nightmare, but browsing random store collections is magical like that. 😋
Album: Being Special -- Sophia Kennedy
PS: don't know the artist, nor this album, and won't be buying
Still hard to believe something that went on-sale in 1985 could do *this*. 1985!
I also find this useful to remember given that code is temporary, will be refactored, or thrown out. But a day to day commitment to software that serves people doesn't depend on one effort persisting forever. It's the daily showing-up for people that continuously rewards and will be remembered. <3
All the software I wrote 1980s-2010s : gone. Tossed or refactored because of time, innovation, tool changes.
But the people the software helped? They remember and continue to thank. :)
But ultimately, you're in service to the betterment of lives of people, if it's by making a system suck less so that another can breathe more easily in their day, or via a very personal connective tissue in the expression of human culture and vulnerability, like a journal or medical app.
People are who you develop for. Architect, develop, test, for them. Stay soft. Stay humble. Stand beside them.
Remembering this will keep your heart connected and your mind innovating for great experiences.
I've been having a lot of fun discussing with developer colleagues on the WHO that they're developing for.
Agile delivery likes to say "value delivery" and "user journeys" but as one gets to flying through the Definition of Done many times per sprint, it can erode the need for stories to be discussions, with PEOPLE.
Also when overloaded, stories can degrade into implementation checklist, especially in sales/product delivery date obsessed cultures.
La croissance FULGURANTE du nombre de serveurs #Mastodon depuis janvier 2019.
À ce moment-là, on en dénombrait une douzaine.
En décembre 2022, il y en a maintenant plus de 12 500.
Curious how to get started contributing to Emacs? Colin Woodbury has written a helpful blog post on just that topic, including instructions for copyright assignment: https://u.fsf.org/3fr #emacs #CopyrightAssignment
Do technical problems exist and then people call us about them,
Or are they only made probable enough to exist when a technical person hears about them,
Or is it because technical people exist that they entangle a problem category called « technical »?
#local #real #observer #quantum #FamilyTechSupport #CallMom #Printer
Created in the 1990s on OS 1.3 with an Amiga 500, the wonderful multiformat module music player HippoPlayer is still getting updates and pushed to Github (most recently in 2021).
I like the sound of that. ❤️
Github: https://github.com/koobo/HippoPlayer/tree/v2.46-beta/dist
I got a chance to review the recently released @system76 Launch Heavy #keyboard, a full 10 key, mechanical and #opensource keyboard with a numpad, its own configuration tool for #Linux, Windows or macOS, 4 different layouts, and per-key RGB. I also compared it to its smaller siblings, the Launch and Launch Lite keyboards!
Let's take a look!
And just to make it clear. "Regular password changing harms rather than improves security."
The problem with my cute plan is that XP only advances the season which is account based across all characters. The only way to advance one character from their singular effort is to equip higher light items obtained from equipment dropping activities.
Resources and chests only reward seasonal XP in areas like on the Moon or in the Cosmodrome, so more is needed, but more would mean breaking the resource farming role-play.
Damn. 😁 Maybe a zone walk will just have to remain a zone walk.
/usr/bin/girl $ cat bio.txt
Bonjour! I love music, chocolate, gaming, and spaaaaace.
Destiny Dead Thing Hunter.
Overwatch Battle Necromancer Mercy.
I feel all these things in my ghost. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️