RT @ZackBornstein@twitter.com
I don’t understand how COVID is spiking again after we’ve tried everything from pretending it’s over to pretending it never happened
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ZackBornstein/status/1599919837941493760
Excellent video on time dilation, contraction, reference frames and more by David Butler. Super helpful visuals and the equations are shown.
Yep, I've decided. I'll make a Farmer Titan who only levels through the XP of resource collecting.
That would be a good use for a Titan. They have the big arms for it.
Yours truly,
Hunter Main
I'm sad about #Destiny2 losing planetary resources. These resources have a poignant history with #roleplaying since Destiny 1.
Sometimes when tired, it was fun to just walk around, take in the sights and appreciate the world built, and collect materials like picking berries. I imagined that I was helping the Tower economy.
Now it's immersion breaking XP+glimmer. 😦
Argh. Too bad. I'll do it anyway because it's just fun. You can't take away my fantasies!
Dear reporters, news people, etc.,
The reason you're not getting any reach on Masto is because you rarely interact. You just come here, post your news article, and don't engage with the community.
You will never get reach if you don't interact with people. This is not Twitter. This is not Facebook. If you want this platform to work for you, you have to become a part of the community, not just shout at us and leave. Forget everything you learned in the walled corporate digital gardens.
@GalacticTactic Should you like to fly together sometime: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Myawen
'what problem are you trying to solve by screwing in the light bulb'
'Maybe there is an easier way to accomplish what you are asking.'
'Have you tried IlluminationLibrary'
'Just use flashlights. Light bulbs are absurdly inefficient.'
'I work during the day so I don't need to change bulbs. Have you tried that?'
This question has been closed.
Duplicate question: "How do I open a box"
Can civilians go to space yet?
Sure, I'd throw up into my helmet the whole time, but wow pretty blue ball dot Earth that brings all the perspectives!
They really want to be a Twitter alternative, down to the security issues 😅
I went to my computer for something that I forgot. Mom started chatting, I chatted with a friend, another friend started an interesting Stargoid battle stream on my Discord server, I placed an order for new bathroom towels...
Then I remembered I came to the computer to reboot my NAS.
Running a #NAS is expensive busy work!
Maria Ressa on how #SocialMedia can enable free speech that stifles free speech (through the popularization of lies/conspiracy):
Facts are needed for truth, which leads to trust, which leads to genuine human connection.
/usr/bin/girl $ cat bio.txt
Bonjour! I love music, chocolate, gaming, and spaaaaace.
Destiny Dead Thing Hunter.
Overwatch Battle Necromancer Mercy.
I feel all these things in my ghost. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️