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Diablo IV early access launch happens in 30 minutes woo-hoo! Raise all the skeletons!

Ok wait. Leave the closet ones in there. They're cozy. *twitch*

@Bindestriche I admit to having never used Impressed and I see what you mean about the missing alignment guides. Sure, I can select a group of objects and right click to align or distribute, but the visual cues would definitely be fewer steps.

There is a grid alignment feature at least.

@libreoffice is that a requested and planned feature for a future release? Alignment guides during mouse drag? Or is it there and we’re not triggering it somehow?

@Bindestriche I’d like to learn more about function searching. You mean you search for a string pattern of “=SUM”?

I think I see what you mean. I just made two workbooks, one in Excel, other in Calc, and did some cols with values and then a couple =SUM() functions.

Then I went CTRL+F and searched for string “SUM” in both apps. Excel jumped to where the function was located. Calc couldn’t find it.

Looks like a feature gap!

@Hypnobeard That would make it so much easier. I’ll check tonight. Thanks!

@Bindestriche Eek! I’ve been lucky so far somehow then, opening up 70MB CSVs in Calc. I’m using a mid-range Dell laptop with 16gb ram running Windows 11 so it doesn’t seem like a memory issue.

Do you have a large number of columns? Mine tend to only be 10 or so, so the data size is mostly row count.

@InfiniteHench I wish they showed the ranks under the names of guardians on the left screen. It’s annoying to have to flip right and left. Also guardian names don’t show on the left screen unless you hover over each. I do my best to remember emblems instead, “pink first then gold on black, followed by…is that the cyan of of the D1 Crota raid banner? Oh right. That’s me. Ha.” Oh shoot 3 people have already left to orbit. MUST VOTE FASTER!

Ariella boosted

Remember back when search engines were somewhat usable? That was nice. #comics

Hello! (fluent)
Bonjour ! (fluent)

Thanks for all the boosts and follows over my gushing about haha. Looking forward to chats about language and writing, but also music and gaming if that interests you too!

Nothing more exciting than a good word processor or text editor. I’ve enjoyed so many over the decades starting with in the 1980s, through other majors (Word), and niches like (Amiga), and (Mac). 🥰

@Bindestriche What trouble have you had? Find some bugs to report?

@Bindestriche Check my pins for the PDF of Ethan Winer's book. That project was done in Writer + Calc + Inkscape. Turned out really nice. It was a joy to put together.

@Bindestriche The CSV opening workflow is nice. Calc goes straight to the data import dialog. Other spreadsheet apps first open in the default view and then you have to dig to find the data tab/submenu.

I find the handling of full page bleeds to be smoother and have more reliable anchoring than other apps like Word.

The SVG setting and cropping from within Writer is so good.

The PDF exporting from Writer produces more consistent layouts than I get with Word or Wordperfect.

Ariella boosted
Ariella boosted

Decades have passed since the 1960s, yet the use of Indigenous American and First Nations names and images by sports teams continues to stir public debate. Mainstream media often simplifies the issue, framing it solely as a matter of offense to Indigenous individuals.

However, this oversimplification disregards the tangible harm caused and dismisses the impact on non-Natives. Today, we delve into the true complexities surrounding Indigenous peoples as sports mascots in #TheBigPicture:

@libreoffice I love for the ease of use, the richer features, the consistent media alignment and reliable SVG support, open document format, easy to install, easy to distribute, most consistent multi-platform experience, great documentation with real-world examples, helpful community and there's no stupid subscription! I prefer donating and have several times. Going to again later this week.

Thanks LibreOffice team! This is great software I never want to be without!

Ariella boosted

Calling bigotry an "opinion" is like calling arsenic a "flavor".

- Jack Cameron

Ariella boosted

Business leaders: We can't find enough workers!

Workers: You could pay more.

Business: Nope.

Workers: Better benefits?

Business: No.

Workers: More flexible hours?

Business: No way.

Workers: Treat your current employees better to build your employer brand?

Business: Never.

Workers: Well, what's left?!

Business: Child labor!

Ariella boosted

So... I feel like a total dick for saying this, but 5 out of 7 of my last mentorship sessions have no-showed or cancelled within 10 minutes of their appointments in the past week. Only one person out of those has provided any reasonable reason. I'm really sorry - if this keeps up much longer I am not going to be able to continue the service.

If you aren't respectful of my time, please, please be respectful of the time of others who help you along your career journey. I miss every single Sunday afternoon I could spend with my family for nothing but occasional tips. Some folks wait months for these appointments.

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