Final few days of the Month of LibreOffice! And you can get a sticker pack by simply using the hashtag #LibreOffice and telling the world why you love the suite 🥰
@libreoffice I love #LibreOffice for the ease of use, the richer features, the consistent media alignment and reliable SVG support, open document format, easy to install, easy to distribute, most consistent multi-platform experience, great documentation with real-world examples, helpful community and there's no stupid subscription! I prefer donating and have several times. Going to again later this week.
Thanks LibreOffice team! This is great software I never want to be without!
@ellabellafull save for the parts related to it being a gratis software, my experience is quite the opposite. When you say richer features, what are you comparing it to and what features do you mean?
@Bindestriche What trouble have you had? Find some bugs to report?
@Bindestriche *Impress (I said Impressed haha — typo)