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Veronica explains what ISO files are and how to make Linux boot media, for anyone who wants to move from Windows/Mac to Linux:


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Elias boosted

New blog post: Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (41/2024): Successful moves and XMPP calling

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Bra av Centerpartiet att skriva interpellation och kräva svar!

"Chat control fortsätter stöta på motstånd i EU. I sista stund bytte Nederländerna fot och röstade nej till förslaget, efter att landets säkerhetstjänst flaggat för riskerna med den breda övervakningen.
Det har fått Centerpartiet att, i en interpellation till justitieministern, ifrågasätta om någon sådan analys gjorts av svenska regeringen. "


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Have spent some time the last couple of weeks brushing off a merge request from some year ago redesigning the edit POI dialog in GNOME Maps using the newer libadwaita widget styles.

#gnome #gnomemaps #libadwaita #mapstodon #openstreetmap

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It costs money to run a PeerTube server, and without ads, the only thing sponsoring my content is you.

Supporters get a weekly newsletter and more behind-the-scenes fun. I could really use the help to keep going.

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Do you live in one of the countries in red?

If so, your government is pushing for the EU Chat Control law which mandates mass surveillance via fully automated real-time surveillance of messaging and chats


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Elias boosted

It's finally time. After years of deliberation, #Minetest is finally ready to adopt a new identity and prove it has moved beyond its original purpose. We can finally move past the "mining" and the "testing" and focus on making this platform the best it can be.

#opensource #freesoftware #gamedev

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Elias boosted

Svar: Nej.

Kristersson går till historien som en vindflöjel som egentligen inte gjorde någonting, som aldrig agerade utan i bästa fall bata reagerade.

Jag kan inte erinra mig om en statsminister som varit så handfallen, konflikträdd och rent ut sagt menlös.

Läs Amanda Sokolnickis utmärkta krönika här:

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This weekend I'm planning to make my self hosted #snac live and hopefully I don't unintentionally DDoS my own fibre connection. It's running in a #Bastille jail on my #FreeBSD server Beastie. I still have some customisation to do with CSS for the theme but I'm just interested to see how much load this'll put on my FTTP 1G / 110Mb connection. If all goes well I may well migrate permanently to my own hosted #ActivityPub server ? 🤔 #HomeLab

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@tdforg #TDF will coordinate #DocumentFreedomDay2025 and we, @fps_gbg, will contribute with a #DocumentLiberation workshop. BTW In case you did not know #DocumentLiberationProject is a sister project of @libreoffice . Busy in Luxembourg preparing #LibOCon and #CommunityDay, so more will follow.

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@mntmn @servo Great! I was searching for info on running #servo on a #Librem5. Did anybody manage to do this? How was the performance and experience?

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hey i compiled @servo on the RK3588 MNT Reform (arm64) and it works! our website is usable, but missing the svg logo in the top bar :D

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«platforms do not exist without the people, and there are a lot more of us than there are of them»

Loved reading @molly0xfff's "Fighting for our web" 💖

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Elias boosted

@AliceStollmeyer Very good way of putting it. "too large a risk for our digital resilience" is a phrase that might actually be heard and understood by non-experts (like politicians) . Kudos to the dutch government-nerds! :)


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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml