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Once again remind people about my new #photography related @pixelfed instance I hope you will enjoy the photos there.

Please boost this post so that more people can see the photos. As I post a lot of #demonstration and #protest photos, the traditional applications don't like the hashtags :)

#photo #climate #dance #music

Elias boosted

phosh 0.42.0 is out 🚀📱:

There's 🐛 fixes and improvements, check out the full release notes at for details or see below short 🧵

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile


Elias boosted

Det här är vansinne och måste stoppas. Skamligt att #Sverige är en del av det.

Om du inte är insatt, läs på och agera. Om du är insatt och aktiv i motståndet: keep up the good work!

#chatcontrol #StopChatcontrol

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Over 300 scientists from 33 countries have signed yet another open letter criticising Hungary's proposal for EU #ChatControl:

Client-side scanning of ALL end-to-end encrypted private communication (messages, email..)

In other words: mass surveillance!

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Elias boosted

@libreoffice is 14 years old.

What a triumph it is: a Free (and free) office suite, available for multiple operating systems.


In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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Lisa Magnusson briljerar om Chat Control

Sverige gör tummen upp till chat control – förstår politikerna ens vad det innebär? undrar Lisa Magnusson -


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"Byt bank om du inte är nöjd" är ju sparekonomernas främsta råd till besvikna bankkunder.

Bra att detta råd smulas sönder och bankmarknadens orimlighet blottläggs.

Elias boosted

Ungerns Chat Control-förslag kommer upp på Justitieutskottets möte torsdag 26 september!

C, V, MP och SD har tidigare sagt nej till Chat Control och massövervakning:

Jag har nu mailat och påmint dem.

Jag har även mailat Liberalerna:,,

Min uppmaning är:

- Säg nej till Ungerns Chat Control förslag
- Rösta för att utskottet ställer sig bakom EU-parlamentets förslag

Boosta gärna!


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📣NEW paper! Don’t believe the hype: bigger AI ≠ better AI. @SashaMTL, @GaelVaroquaux and me on how the race to bigger, and bigger AI has bad consequences and isn't necessary.

1. Smaller AI models often perform better than big models in context


2. obsession with bigness has severe collateral consequences, from climate costs, to concentrated power, to more surveillance, to the capture of AI research.

All of this, and what we can do instead 👇

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New blogpost: Running a law firm on Free software (2024 edition)

It has been a couple of years since I last wrote about's (almost entirely FOSS) tech stack.

I was chatting with someone about it yesterday, so now is as good a time as any for an update.

It's not particularly law firm specific; probably more generically "small business" oriented.

I'm always happy to hear friendly constructive feedback :)

#FOSS #lawfedi #Linux #selfhosting #blog

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Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius died in 1744 aged 43, although his great rival Fahrenheit was convinced he was 109

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Seach engine comparison: Mojeek vs Duckduckgo

Today's search: "skitsystem"

Search result quality: Mojeek is better, includes quality links such as and "Boktips: Jävla skitsystem - boken om den digitala arbetsmiljön"

Privacy: Mojeek is better, uBlock Origin blocks lots of bad things for Duckduckgo but nothing for Mojeek. Also, Duckduckgo shows links to "facebook" and "youtube" which are very bad regarding privacy.

Winner in both categories: Mojeek

Today, 20 September 2024, is the last day to take part in the EU consultation where everyone can have a say, as FSFE explain here:

"Bring Back Free Software Funding: Give Your Feedback to the European Commission"

I just filled it out, it's quite easy, so now my opionions ("the EU should support Free Software more!") will be in there.

For those reading this, if in the EU: Please take part you too! Today is your last chance. Do it!

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Snäll nykomling söker sin flock. Vilka borde jag följa? Gillar människor, politik, vetenskap, litteratur, natur och trams tex.

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"Vi påstår oss ofta ha lärt oss av det förra århundradets auktoritära regimer, och pratar om “aldrig mer”. Men diskussionen fastnar gärna vid vad de auktoritära regimerna gjorde när de regerat under lång tid, och vunnit full kontroll att styra utan motstånd från andra politiska krafter.

Varje auktoritär utveckling börjar någonstans. Och i efterhand förbannar många att de inte stoppade den i tid. "

Nu krävs ditt motstånd mot auktoritär utveckling | Dagens ETC

Elias boosted


Have you considered putting the Matrix Conference videos up on (a specialized #Peertube instance for conference videos)?

#Matrix #MatrixConf #Peertube #ConfTube

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