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Elias boosted

Hello everyone. I am #newhere

Although I'm really not.

I have been in Diaspora for many years now. First in joindiaspora, then in Now that the latter is closing down, I have decided to make use of this old account I had here in I used to use this account to promote a music project I had, but that is long finished, so I am repurposing this account as my main Diaspora account now.

My interests lie in #language, not so much as in all the different languages of the world, but rather on the human capacity for language. #Linguistics is therefore a great interest of mine. #Science in general also interests me, and I am particularly interested in #astrophysics, although only as an amateur. I dabble in #philosophy as well, specially #HistoryOfPhilosophy and #PhilosophyOfScience. I will occasionally post #theories and #ideas I have about my own work or things I find interesting.

I also love listening to and playing #jazz. I have a jazz trio (link in profile) and I will occasionally post some of #MyWork

For the rest, you can expect the occasional #vegan #cooking post. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

And of course the daily #Wordle, #pedantle and #cemantle posts


Elias boosted


Har varit på mastodon ett tag, men här är kontot där jag planerar att bara posta på svenska!

Tycker om att blogga, men gör det mest på engelska. Mer och mer frustrerad över svensk politik, men börjar också smyga mig in i den organiserade vänstern.

Mitt engelska konto:


Wishing everyone happy holidays and a happy gnu year. Let's hope it's a good one. @dfri

Elias boosted

Well put blog post by @mkj "Why I'm Staying With Firefox For Now":

"Option 1 is bad, so I'm choosing horrifically worse option 2 because it's not bad option 1" is a terrible argument. Go with the best (even if not good) option, or build something better (hello @servo / #Verso browser!)

Posted from Firefox.

#Chrome #Firefox #Google #Alphabet #Mozilla #FOSS #Privacy #GAFAM #Chromium #Vivaldi #Opera

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ec alc 

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Look at that: #FOSDEM #LinuxMobile
Thanks @devrtz and others for all the hard work!
Also note: "The schedule is now available (modulo talks for which the speakers haven't yet clicked on the confirmation link)" - so there's even more good stuff coming!

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Elias boosted

Germany-based #sovereingTechFund contributes 384.000 EUR to #OpenStreetMap over two years. And the best part: it's not for fancy features big sponsors think they need, but for technical debt removal, documentation, testing infrastructure, vandalism prevention, and two additional paid roles.

@sovtechfund once again made a great choice and continues to follow their strategy of sustainable support of critical #OpenSource projects, which @openstreetmap definitely is.


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Goddagens, er kultur-tomte i etern bjuder på en klapp i form av länk till Stasi-dramat De andras liv på SVT. Våga vägra julfilm!

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Elias boosted

We’re looking for new people to join our team and strengthen digital infrastructure in the public interest!

If you know people who might be interested, please share these jobs with them!

We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:

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The folks from @NGIZero are super friendly and helpful people. If you're looking into e.g. improving the #LinuxMobile ecosystem their financial support can be a big enabler to focus on a specific project or task for some time!

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Hi @linuxfoundation, is there another place than youtube where I can see the videos of your events?

Why are there only buttons to surveillance capitalism platforms on your website?

I'm missing links to services like: mastodon, #peertube, #codeberg.

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Elias boosted

I wonder if Coinbase routinely calls up newsrooms to try to blackball people who criticize them, or if I'm just special

#Coinbase #crypto #cryptocurrency

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Children shoes.

Some 232,000 children and adolescents were deported to the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz, of whom about 216,000 were Jews, 11,000 Roma, about 3,000 Poles, more than a thousand Belorussians, and several hundred Russians, Ukrainians, and others.

In total, about 23,000 children and adolescents were registered in the camp, of whom about 700 were liberated at Auschwitz on 27 January 1945.


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