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Elias boosted

Come visit Arnavion, @anjan and I at the #postmarketos table today and tomorrow during #seagl2024 ! 🥳

Elias boosted

I knew the quality of discourse on twitter had taken a plunge but geeze guys. Get a clue. And btw, quit using that site, all you're doing is feeding trump and elon musk and they're both pretty well overfed already.

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Elias boosted

We have already received our first submission
for the #FOSS on #Mobile Devices devroom @fosdem

If you're working on #LinuxMobile read our Call for Participation:

Submit your proposal here:

Deadline is 2025-12-01.

#phosh #GNOME #KDE #Linux

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Elias boosted

Första recensionen av SVT-serien "The Pirate Bay" som har premiär på fredag.
Men det bästa är Peter Sundes dräpande livekommentarer som följer strax under i nyhetsbrevet:

Elias boosted
Elias boosted

jag sitter i styrelsen för @konstellationen men insåg att jag inte hade något konto på spejset. kändes som ett svek så nu har jag ett. hoppas d blir kul

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Elias boosted
Elias boosted

@mms Ugh. I refuse to get a Microsoft account just to tell some FOSS guy his code has a problem. And don't get me started on Discord. Why do people think it's OK to force others to give up their privacy?

Elias boosted

My spicy take is that auto updates are a security vulnerability best classified as "arbitrary code execution".

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Elias boosted

If you followed the latest #FOSDEM news,
you may have already learned that the
FOSS on mobile devices devroom
is back for another round in 2025 🚀

You can view the Call for Proposals here:

It should also show up soon on the mailing list archive:

We are looking forward to all submissions 🎉
Submit today! 👌
or at least no later than the first of December ⛄

#MobileLinux #Mobile #FOSS #Mobian #postmarketOS #phosh #GNOME #KDE #sxmo #embedded #FOSDEM25

Bröderna Lejonhjärta, Katlamärket 

Elias boosted
Elias boosted

@ljo #SWERIK, som jag är rådgivare till, tillhandahåller ett longitudinellt #iterativt #kurerat material från #SverigesRiksdag #1867 och framåt.

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Elias boosted
Elias boosted

Sweden: The government wants to send a signal to immigrants: "Go home"

The extreme right coalition government in Sweden is no longer hiding it's desire to cleanse Sweden from all othose who are not pure blood Swedes.

I really wish the people in Sweden with non nurdic background could go on strike for a few days to show these lunatics what their advocating.

Most of the active members of the beo Nazi SD and their christian Taliban tail K(s)D has never had a job in their lives and almost entire leadership of their parties have one or more criminal convictions.

But they are doing such a great job blaming Their decades of failed policies on immigrants and the public is buying it.

Regeringen vill sända en signal om att invandrare inte är önskvärda. Vilka konkreta effekter den signalen ger får ”vi väl liksom utvärdera” senare.
#Sweden #Racism #Imigration #Politics #Sverige #Politik #SvPol #Rasiam #Ekonomi…

Elias boosted

Läser för barnen om Törnrosdalen som omgärdats av höga murar så ingen kan komma in eller ut. Där folket svälter och frihetskämpen Jonatan tvingas gömma sig bland civila. De gräver tunnlar under marken och muren och folk gömmer vapen i sina hem för motståndet mot ockupationen.

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Elias boosted

On this day seven years ago I got A FRICKING GOLD MEDAL for my work on #curl. Real. Proper. Gold. From the hands of the Swedish king.

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