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Elias boosted
Elias boosted

«platforms do not exist without the people, and there are a lot more of us than there are of them»

Loved reading @molly0xfff's "Fighting for our web" 💖

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Elias boosted

@AliceStollmeyer Very good way of putting it. "too large a risk for our digital resilience" is a phrase that might actually be heard and understood by non-experts (like politicians) . Kudos to the dutch government-nerds! :)


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Elias boosted

6 October 1938 | An Italian Jewish boy, Carlo Polacco, was born in Genoa.

In December 1943 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.

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Blown away by the finalists in #WikiLovesEarth. Being a jury member is really just a treat. #WLE

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Det här är ju extremt! Hur kan vi ha ett samhälle där ett sådant här förslag läggs fram utan att det blir ramaskri?

Att konstant massövervaka och skanna den breda allmänheten är helt absurt. Sluta kom med sådana här förslag!

Rikspolischefen vill ha ansiktsigenkänning i realtid: ”Tror det skulle göra skillnad” | SVT Nyheter

Today's project: tear-down of an old pump, trying to make it work again. It had been working fine for about 50 years, then stopped working last year. I think that had something to do with wasps building a nest in it and parts of that nest got pushed down which might have messed up the mechanism inside.

This is what we in Sweden call a "gårdstolva" - Gårdspump Nr. 12 🙂

I think this talk was two weeks ago at the 2024 Matrix Conference:

"Försäkringskassan, Matrix and Sweden’s public sector"

"Försäkringskassan is using Matrix to create a cloud-based secure communications service called SAFOS (collaboration platform for the public sector) for Sweden’s public sector authorities."
Sounds interesting!

@matrix are there recordings of the conference talks available somewhere that can be watched afterwards?

Elias boosted

on rejecting AI "generated" output 

Elias boosted

Hello @EUCommission,

Can we get a #Mastodon share button at the ECI site?

I mean, the page you get after signing an European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), e.g. this one:

#DigitalSovereignty #EU #ECI

Elias boosted

Over 33,000 sounds are available for free download from the BBC’s sound effects library. “Among the plethora of sounds covered are reindeer grunts, common frog calls and crowds at the 1989 FA Cup Final.”

Elias boosted

Registration for #InternyetParty closes at 23:59 today!

What is it? "An offline computer fiesta! Celebration/Experiment focusing on DIY, local gaming and cosiness."

#offline #LAN #DIY #Internet #Cyberpunk #Uppsala

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Registrering för #InternyetParty stänger vid 23:59 idag!

Vad är det? "En dator-fest utan Internet! Firande och experimenterande med fokus på gör-det-själv, lokalt LAN-spelande och trevlig stämning."

#offline #LAN #Uppsala #Cyberpunk #DIY

"Swedish government accused of trying to ‘outlaw poverty’ over begging ban plans"

This is another example of the ongoing dismantling of human rights in Sweden.

The current Swedish government is doing this together with the "Sweden Democrats" party, rooted in Nazism. But we are not supposed to talk about that.

I personally do *not* like the ongoing creation of a police state. I am ashamed of my fellow Swedish citizens who voted for this shitty, spineless government.

Elias boosted

Hey #IT and #Linux crowd,

what's the correct way to install @signalapp on a #Fedora machine? only provides an official way for #Debian based.

Is this #FlatPak repo official enough?

Elias boosted
Idag tillträder Eric Leijonram som GD för IMY.

Han var särskild utredare i Biometriutredningen och presenterade betänkandet "Biometri – för en effektivare brottsbekämpning" i juni 2023:

IMY skrev då ett skarpt yttrande med anledning av att de såg flera förslag vara i strid med grundlag och EU-rätt:

Utredningen från Leijonram föreslog att förslagen ska träda i kraft den 1 januari 2025.

Och idag är alltså Leijonram generaldirektör för IMY. 🤷‍♂️
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