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Look closely and you can make out a dewy I spotted on my way to work this morning.

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Elias boosted

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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Note on #AI - "Artificial" doesn't mean "human substitute" - it *always* means "Fake"

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I'm using a #Librem5 as my daily phone. Yesterday, I discovered that in the #Railway #GNOME app for public transportation planning, you can set #transitous as the routing engine. This works pretty well in the #Netherlands. Highly recommended. Of course you can install it also on your regular Linux computer.

#FOSS #OpenSource #mobilelinux #linux #phone

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When he’s not busy being one of our best fiction writers, Ted Chiang has become our best critic of generative AI:

“The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as ‘money laundering for copyrighted data,’ which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying.”

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Jordbruksverket (The Swedish Board of Agriculture) is Sweden's expert authority in the areas agriculture, fishery and rural areas.

They now have source code on Codeberg!

As noted in the NOSAD newsletter here Jordbruksverket are looking to do more joint development together with other orgs in the future.

Are we beginning to see a little bit of "Public Money? Public Code!" in Sweden? 😃 @fsfe

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The #Transitous integration in #GNOME maps is just great. Instantly turned maps from being unusable here in Vancouver BC to my preferred maps app!

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Jag har insett att jag kommer att behöva någon form av #RSS-läsare om jag ska klara av att sluta använda Facebook. Tror att #CommaFeed eller #Feedbin kan vara vettiga alternativ, någon som har provat dessa som har något att säga? Eller har ni kanske andra tips? Tar emot allt jag kan få, har inte använt RSS-läsare på väldigt väldigt länge.

Från NOSADs nyhetsbrev aug 2024 

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We have been collecting priority missing items for using a GNU/Linux OS on smart phones for daily driving for a few days now.

We had an #XMPP group as well

which is now bridged to #Matrix

Some people were reluctant to join so you might want to join via XMPP or Matrix to get updates, though polls would still happen via (tracking this in multiple places would be too much work).

#FreeSoftware #debphoshfund #mobian #debian

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Elias boosted

Are you also concerned about the @EUCommission decision to cut the funding for #FreeSoftware projects?

Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper 🗞️ to make their readers aware of the importance of funding #FreeSoftware solutions with a long-term sustainable funding:

#SoftwareFreedom #NGI #HorizonEU #getactive

Elias boosted

#Wayland #inputmethod team GO!

I assembled a team to continue work I started for #mobilelinux with #phosh , #squeekboard and #librem5 .

We're going to finish the mobile side of screen-based input, and also try to properly bring traditional input methods (like for Chinese) to Wayland.

Thanks @nlnet for providing the motivation.

Watch this account!

#cjk #touchscreen #osk

At a kids' football cup recently I heard players mentioning the "brexit tackle", and "doing a brexit", while they were talking about one of the games they just played. As I understand it, by "doing a brexit" in this context they mean to throw yourself wildly against an opponent with complete disregard for the safety of both yourself and the opponent, also not caring about the ball or winning the game. I find it hopeful that the kids already have such deep understanding of European politics. 😁

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Anonymity is important.

This is a piece of news from Swedish public service radio today, about an org. protecting children's rights, it's called BRIS meaning "the rights of children in society". BRIS have received an increasing number of phone calls from children talking about crime, like kids being pressured by criminal gangs and such. They say that phone call anonymity is important for kids to dare to make the call.

Anonymity is important to reduce crime in society.

Elias boosted

Hello, Fediverse!

This is Clew, an independent search engine developed by @amin that is copyleft, self-hostable, prioritizes sites of independent creators, and downranks ads. Happy to be here on this wonderful platform with you. (If you wanna help kick of federation, please boost!)

We'll be posting a variety of things here, from status updates to blog posts to, very probably, jokes related to independent search.

Try Clew:
About Clew:
Development blog:
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