This cornerstone of software freedom has been empowering developers and users for decades.
Consider gifting your copyright to the FSF to uphold the GPL's legacy and keep software libre!
I just renewed my annual @fsf associate membership and psyched for Libreplanet. #ISupportFreeSoftware
Interesting discussion with @Mer__edith and Camille Francois, "AI and Surveillance Capitalism", available via #PeerTube here:
I think the most important aspect they bring up is how increased use of so-called "AI" systems (it's wrong to call such systems "intelligent") leads to really dangerous concentration of power to a small number of huge companies. That development is very dangerous and bad for democracy, it's really the opposite of what we need.
Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds
Amanda Sokolnicki: Organiserad rasism – med kärnkraft, det är Liberalernas nya melodi
Elena Kostyuchenko writing about Russia:
"[...] she calls me and says: “I don’t understand what this war is for.” I say nothing. Mama says: “On TV, they’re always saying ‘victory, we need victory’, but what is victory? Even if we conquer Ukraine, all we’ll get is a country in ruins and a people who hate us. Ukrainians know how to hate, we’ve taught them.” I say nothing. Mama says: “Fine. What am I to do about it, then?” And I say: “Mama, that’s a really good question.”"
Hej hej! Dags för Linuxfika igen på onsdag. VI ses på Cafe Linne klockan 19!
As I've often said - "better" programming languages are mostly irrelevant. What actually matters are better programmers.
Why aren't Israel's friends in the international community doing more to guarantee #PressFreedom? Why aren't the US, EU (including Sweden) and UK governments doing more to pressure Israel, Egypt and Hamas to allow international media to operate and report freely in #Gaza?
Today came news of a local politician for that party having an "Adolf" tatoo:
I'm disgusted by this, and also amazed: how can the current government fail to see that the whole thing looks really, really bad?
I mean, just the optics of it. Even if you want to throw away human rights and establish an authoritarian state, surely you must see that it looks bad to do it together with nazis? It's so wrong and so ugly.
How do these people think?
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.