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To everyone who attended the conference today: thank you, it was a privilege to be there with you all.

Special thanks to @carl and @Jeremiah for your awesome presentations!

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I am attending the #SamNet conference today. The morning sessions discussed 2 EU proposals: chat control and eIDAS.

I wrote about my objections to specific details in both proposals.



Fighting CSAM is important. Interoperable digital identification is important. Both can be accomplished in a way that strengthens society without undermining the fundamental human right to privacy. The details matter.


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Idag var jag på en hoppingivande konferens. Befriande klarspråk från alla föreläsare om verkliga problem med den uppkopplade vardagen. Men också kloka lösningar och en beslutsamhet i att skapa en mer öppen, robust, demokratisk och rättvis (digital) värld. Tack ni som arrangerade #samnet! Här hamnar nog inspelningarna och annan info:

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@Jeremiah Thank you for an excellent presentation of the Social Web!

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Det här är stort!

"New EU project NGI TALER will bring private and secure online payments to the Eurozone"

GNU Taler

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Great lecture at #Samnet in Stocholm by @Jeremiah about #activitypub and a vision of an open and federated social media. Thank you!

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Väldigt trevligt på #samnet idag om E-legitimation, robust internetinfrastruktur och #chatcontrol. Träffade på många bekanta ansikten.

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Sjukt pepp på SamNet idag!

Ska bli skoj att träffa @mattiasaxell och @eliasr och andra goa personer

Konferensen SamNet 2024 går av stapeln imorgon, 18 januari:

Det finns fortfarande några platser kvar, om du har möjlighet att vara med imorgon så ta chansen och anmäl dig nu!

Många spännande ämnen tas upp, bl.a. kommer @carl att prata om "Det demokratiska samtalet i en digital tid" och jag själv är med och pratar om fri och öppen e-legitimation.


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Our friends at #KDE e.V. are hiring! The non-profit behind the software-development is looking for a Project Lead and Event Manager for a new project funded by the German government to promote environmentally-sustainable software and long-term hardware use. It's a part time job (10h/week) for a duration of two years.

If you are interested, additional information is found here: #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Sustainability

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In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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Mycket viktigt när både regeringen inklusive SD samt S börjat prata om medborgarskap som ett tillfälligt tillstånd.

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MS--Open AI's ~parent company--already has massive US military contracts. This is the biz model.

This news is also one more alarm re. the current AI paradigm, its reliance on concentrated corp power, & the undemocratic decision making power this gives these (primarily) US-based corps.

The first two pigs then fled to the third little pig's house, where the Big Blonde Fascist was unable to get in.

"Please let us in!", they said. "We are fucked! We will pay you anything you ask, just please let us in!"

"Welcome inside", the third little pig said. "You don't need to pay anything. The tools used to build this house are all , you can use those tools any time you want."

And they lived happily ever after, all enjoying the same freedom as the third little pig.


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Then, one day, came the Big Blonde Fascist.

The Big Blonde Fascist went to the first little pig's house and said: "I don't even need to huff or puff here, I'll just ask Apple to hand over the keys". Apple made a rational business decision and handed over the keys after about two seconds. The first little pig was kicked out.

Then the Big Blonde Fascist went to the second little pig's house and similarly got the keys from Google, so the second little pig was also left without a house.


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The third little pig tried another angle: "But when someone else controls your house you are not free, you cannot say and do what you want because they are always watching! Freedom and democratic ideals are important", she said.

The other little pigs were unconvinced: "we don't care about freedom or democratic ideals, the important thing for us is convenience! Besides, Apple and Google are great and they are our friends, they would never betray us."


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The third little pig tried to explain: "But you are now owned by those companies, your house should be a place where you can feel safe. How can you feel safe when those companies have full control over your house?", she said.

The other little pigs did not seem to understand: "What do you mean? These are our houses, they are great, and so very convenient!"


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Here is the story about the three little pigs and the Big Blonde Fascist.

The first little pig built her house on Apple products.

The second little pig built his house on Google products.

The third little pig built her house on and thus ensured she was in control of her own house.

The first two pigs made fun of the third pig: "why do you bother?" they said. "It's so much easier to do like us! It's so quick and so convenient!"


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