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Elias boosted

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Elias boosted

Mycket viktigt när både regeringen inklusive SD samt S börjat prata om medborgarskap som ett tillfälligt tillstånd.

Elias boosted

MS--Open AI's ~parent company--already has massive US military contracts. This is the biz model.

This news is also one more alarm re. the current AI paradigm, its reliance on concentrated corp power, & the undemocratic decision making power this gives these (primarily) US-based corps.

The first two pigs then fled to the third little pig's house, where the Big Blonde Fascist was unable to get in.

"Please let us in!", they said. "We are fucked! We will pay you anything you ask, just please let us in!"

"Welcome inside", the third little pig said. "You don't need to pay anything. The tools used to build this house are all , you can use those tools any time you want."

And they lived happily ever after, all enjoying the same freedom as the third little pig.


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Then, one day, came the Big Blonde Fascist.

The Big Blonde Fascist went to the first little pig's house and said: "I don't even need to huff or puff here, I'll just ask Apple to hand over the keys". Apple made a rational business decision and handed over the keys after about two seconds. The first little pig was kicked out.

Then the Big Blonde Fascist went to the second little pig's house and similarly got the keys from Google, so the second little pig was also left without a house.


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The third little pig tried another angle: "But when someone else controls your house you are not free, you cannot say and do what you want because they are always watching! Freedom and democratic ideals are important", she said.

The other little pigs were unconvinced: "we don't care about freedom or democratic ideals, the important thing for us is convenience! Besides, Apple and Google are great and they are our friends, they would never betray us."


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The third little pig tried to explain: "But you are now owned by those companies, your house should be a place where you can feel safe. How can you feel safe when those companies have full control over your house?", she said.

The other little pigs did not seem to understand: "What do you mean? These are our houses, they are great, and so very convenient!"


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Here is the story about the three little pigs and the Big Blonde Fascist.

The first little pig built her house on Apple products.

The second little pig built his house on Google products.

The third little pig built her house on and thus ensured she was in control of her own house.

The first two pigs made fun of the third pig: "why do you bother?" they said. "It's so much easier to do like us! It's so quick and so convenient!"


In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Konferensen SamNet 2 kommer att ta upp ämnen som digitala ID-lösningar, Internet privacy, fri och öppen källkod inom offentlig förvaltning, digital infrastruktur.

Datum och tid: torsdag, 18 januari 2024, 09:00 – 17:00

Plats: Internetstiftelsens lokaler, Hammarby kaj 10d:

Anmälan och mer info här:

Missa inte, @carl är med!



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Missa inte konferensen SamNet 2 som sker torsdagen 18:e januari 2024!

Konferensen arrangeras av de fyra föreningarna DFRI, ISOC-SE, SNUS och gemensamt.

SamNet är en fysisk heldagskonferens om , , och som är grunden för digitaliseringen av vårt samhälle. SamNet fokuserar på detta från den vanliga samhällsmedborgarens perspektiv, inte från ett kommersiellt eller myndighetsperspektiv.



svpol in Swedish, övervakning, Stockholm 

Elias boosted

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

I encrypted this using - neither the government nor any BigTech company knows what's on here. None of their business.

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Elias boosted

Nu har registreringen öppnat för konferensen #2 tors 18 januari 2024!

Gratis för alla som är medlem i en arrangerande föreningarna ISOC-SE, DFRI, Dataskydd eller SNUS

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Anmäl dig:

@dfri @dataskyddnet

Elias boosted

Tycker du också att situationen #BankID i #Sverige behöver förändras? Är du trött på att samhället kan riskeras slå ut om BankID drabbas av cyberattack? Har du eller bekanta behövt göra sig av med en fullt fungerande mobil eller dator för att den inte längre fungerar med BankID?

Under SamNet #2 den 18 januari kommer @eliasr och Gustav Eek presentera "Fri och öppen e-legitimation" som görs i DFRI.

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Elias boosted

Jag lämnar äntligen Meta för gott!

Kommer fortsättningsvis bara vara aktiv här och på Vero.

#blog #meta #facebook

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