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Elias boosted

Whatever happened to micro payments reagarding news?

I'd be far more willing to pay a small fee to read some articles, than to start a subscription. Subscriptions incentivize people to reduce the diversity of news they get, which AFAIK is a Bad Thing.

Elias boosted

> Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.
> These are virtues of passion. They are not, however, virtues of community. The virtues of community sound like their opposites: diligence, patience, and humility.
> They're not really opposites, because you can do them all at the same time.… These are the virtues that will carry our community into the future, if we do not abandon them.

— Larry Wall

Elias boosted

Someone said "is that still a thing?" when I announced I was on Mastodon. Is it?
Boost this so we actually get a few votes maybe? How far can it go?

Elias boosted

Why do the cookie popups start with "We value your privacy", clearly they don't because they would've just not included the crap.

Elias boosted

Here’s the video of my talk “Beyond surveillance capitalism: alternatives, stopgaps, Small Web, and Site.js.” from Creative Mornings Istanbul on Friday.

Edited to fix the audio sync issue, add captions, chapters, and links to all the mentioned tools, etc.

Enjoy + please share! :)

Elias boosted

So suddenly there’s a lot of attention around email and it’s exposing how many people in the web community still use Gmail. Like actually trust all your personal information and communication (and that of your potentially marginalised or vulnerable contacts) with Google. 🤮

There are a lot of hard problems and lack of alternatives when it comes to rights-respecting technology. But email (as imperfect as it is) has a fair few affordable alternative providers. Small change, big difference.

Elias boosted

DistroChooser - Find out which Linux distribution suits your needs:

Elias boosted

++ Hamburg wants to focus more on Free Software ++

In #Hamburg, the #SPD and the #Greens are stating in their coalition agreement to focus more on #FreeSoftware during their future term. Although the coalition agreement contains several loopholes, for example for procurement procedures and diffuse justification to protect proprietary software vendors, the #FSFE still welcomes the step forward and will critically monitor its implementation.

Elias boosted

Hello everyone! Just testing this. Does it work?

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