The abyss staring back: 🤩
@nopatience one thing that is maybe suspicious about that text is that it lacks the things that could have made it interesting: the connection to humans in the real world. For example, where did the malware come from and how was it distributed, were people tricked into installing it and if so, how? Who was affected? The text does not say anything at all about such things as far as I can tell. And those are perhaps things an LLM-generated text would lack, as the LLM is unaware of the real world.
Germany-based #sovereingTechFund contributes 384.000 EUR to #OpenStreetMap over two years. And the best part: it's not for fancy features big sponsors think they need, but for technical debt removal, documentation, testing infrastructure, vandalism prevention, and two additional paid roles.
@sovtechfund once again made a great choice and continues to follow their strategy of sustainable support of critical #OpenSource projects, which @openstreetmap definitely is.
@jimpalimpa du är inte sist på bollen, jag är ännu senare :-) tack för tips
Goddagens, er kultur-tomte i etern bjuder på en klapp i form av länk till Stasi-dramat De andras liv på SVT. Våga vägra julfilm!
@Af_Redelius bra film 👍
It's time for the traditional yearly wrap-up blog post!
The folks from @NGIZero are super friendly and helpful people. If you're looking into e.g. improving the #LinuxMobile ecosystem their financial support can be a big enabler to focus on a specific project or task for some time!
@hund bra, gör det! Berätta gärna om du får något svar. Det är ju intressant att veta om deras mejl ens funkar.
> Liberalerna vill se sänkt moms på second hand-varor
Bra förslag!
De borde också plocka upp förslaget om att göra reparationstjänster billigare, som MP drivit länge.
Tyvärr går regeringen i motsatt rikning där:
L, KD, M och SD beslutade att göra det dyrare att reparera sin cykel. De tycker det är bättre att folk köper ny cykel gjord i Kina, tydligen.
Egentligen tror jag det handlar om hatet mot MP, regeringen kan aldrig göra nåt som ger MP rätt.
@hund nej, inget svar från dem. 😐 Mitt mejl skickades till 2024-11-26.
Hi @linuxfoundation, is there another place than youtube where I can see the videos of your events?
Why are there only buttons to surveillance capitalism platforms on your website?
I'm missing links to services like: mastodon, #peertube, #codeberg.
Danmark och teknogiganter
Jag har svårt att glömma det där att Kasselstrand sa att han hellre välkomnar Putin till Sverige än Barack Obama.
I wonder if Coinbase routinely calls up newsrooms to try to blackball people who criticize them, or if I'm just special
> Any _good_ code generators out there?
The C preprocessor comes to mind, it's good I think. You can also use C++ templates recursively to generate lots and lots of code, which I guess can be good in some cases if you know what you are doing.
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.