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@JustineSmithies I'm using a running mostly the default with

Using chatty (Chats) for sms and matrix chats.
Lollypop for listening to music and podcasts.
Geary for email.
The calendar app needs to be better before it gets useful.


Please stop your plans on mass surveillance in the EU, as in the "chat control" proposal. The right to private communication should be protected, it is a fundamental right which is necessary to preserve in a democratic society.

If you are interested in protecting children, then please protect our children from a dystopian future where everyone's communication is monitored by the state. What you are proposing is very dangerous.

Elias boosted

@EU_Commission I followed to see if you would come to your senses and take away the #ChatControl proposal.


"OpenAI does not disclose what datasets it uses to train the models backing its popular chatbot, ChatGPT"

It's quite disturbing that they get away with having the word "open" in the name "OpenAI". As I understand it, some of their source code is also closed. Pretty much everything is closed, but let's go ahead and call it "open" because that sounds better? WTF

@carl Bra!

Kom ihåg att också värna möjligheten för människor att faktiskt välja något annat istället för jättarna.

Jag är orolig över den väldigt spridda bilden att vi bara måste acceptera att alla människor använder Google/Facebook/osv och att allt vi kan göra är att försöka reglera jättarna.

Ännu viktigare än att reglera jättarna är att slå vakt om möjligheten att faktiskt vara fri från dem.

@Mojeek thank you!

Heh "plausible bullshit", that was funny 🙂

One idea for videos is to throw up a PeerTube instance, I tried that myself and found it was fairly easy.

@festal if someone claims there is no such problem, then I would like to tell them: "okay but then you don't need to bother with new training data anymore, just skip that and make a loop feeding the machine its own output back as input".

I imagine it will be like an animal trying to survive by eating its own feces. After a few cycles of that, there is not much more to gain.

@pettter @drbjork

I worry about authors no longer getting credit for what they have written. Instead it is copied and presented as the product of a machine.


> While the AI depends on
> user interaction and
> open sources (as training data)
> its practice kills both.

Based on that, one would expect things to stagnate once all user interaction and open sources have been fed into it?

@Mojeek if there is a non-Google way of watching it, I'd be very interested.

@muminpappa alla de på en och samma dag?!? du skojar


> that dumpster fire of a platform

Which one do you mean, Meta or Twitter?

I highly recommend everyone to distance themselves from both 🙂

Elias boosted

Idag lanserar vi #StopScanningMe på svenska!

Varför vill vi stoppa #ChatControl?

Det bryter mot FNs deklaration om mänskliga rättigheter, EU-konventionen och Sveriges grundlag.

- Dina privata chattar kommer att skannas.
- Tekniken är känd för att misslyckas.
- Vi har inte råd att göra fel.

Läs mer på:


Elias boosted

It's the Yearly Poll™ time again! Do you use any of the following as a daily driver?

(That is, something you use and bring around with you most days - even if it's not your only mobile device)

If so, what is your experience?

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Elias boosted
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