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Elias boosted

@mntmn @servo Great! I was searching for info on running #servo on a #Librem5. Did anybody manage to do this? How was the performance and experience?

Elias boosted

hey i compiled @servo on the RK3588 MNT Reform (arm64) and it works! our website is usable, but missing the svg logo in the top bar :D

@smlx4 @iam_jfnklstrm det där "jag har ingen annan åsikt än den Jimmie Åkesson själv har givit uttryck för", det sammanfattar väl ganska bra vem Kristersson är och hur han fungerar. Maximal feghet. Noll ryggrad. 🤢

@nopatience @fiaewald det är intressant att tänka på också hur det kommer bli när frågorna man ställer handlar om storbolagen själva, de som själva driver de stora "AI"-system som frågorna ställs till.

Till exempel kanske det är så att Google/Microsoft pga sin storlek och dominans i världen är ett allvarligt hot mot ett fritt samhälle, men kommer det att gå att få fram den informationen, eller kommer de som kontrollerar systemen att se till att de själva inte beskrivs alltför negativt?

Elias boosted

@khalid the way I see it you have a choice between the following two approaches:

(1) Do as you say, use some LLM thing (probably made by a huge company that scraped info from lots of people's blogs and give no credit to the real authors).


(2) Look around the web for different things that different people have written on their blogs etc to see what others have done that is relevant to your current thought process. Give credit to other people, and allow them to open your eyes to new things.

Elias boosted

«platforms do not exist without the people, and there are a lot more of us than there are of them»

Loved reading @molly0xfff's "Fighting for our web" 💖

Elias boosted

@samuel 👍 och fin bild de hittat till artikeln också 😉

Elias boosted

@AliceStollmeyer Very good way of putting it. "too large a risk for our digital resilience" is a phrase that might actually be heard and understood by non-experts (like politicians) . Kudos to the dutch government-nerds! :)


Elias boosted

@neil a family lawyer, that means divorce and things like that?

Just wait, one day you will encounter a family where they have a feud going on with one spouse using BSD and the other Linux and they fight over that, and then you can finally get to work. Like one of them distributed software to the rest of the family but did not make the source code available to the kids. Allegedly, according to the other spouse.

Elias boosted

6 October 1938 | An Italian Jewish boy, Carlo Polacco, was born in Genoa.

In December 1943 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.

Elias boosted

Blown away by the finalists in #WikiLovesEarth. Being a jury member is really just a treat. #WLE

Elias boosted

Det här är ju extremt! Hur kan vi ha ett samhälle där ett sådant här förslag läggs fram utan att det blir ramaskri?

Att konstant massövervaka och skanna den breda allmänheten är helt absurt. Sluta kom med sådana här förslag!

Rikspolischefen vill ha ansiktsigenkänning i realtid: ”Tror det skulle göra skillnad” | SVT Nyheter

@neil maybe if you write a story involving relativistic effects like time dilation, making up for the time it took to write it?

Today's project: tear-down of an old pump, trying to make it work again. It had been working fine for about 50 years, then stopped working last year. I think that had something to do with wasps building a nest in it and parts of that nest got pushed down which might have messed up the mechanism inside.

This is what we in Sweden call a "gårdstolva" - Gårdspump Nr. 12 🙂

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