@jajo har du den på dig varje dag, eller bara vid speciella tillfällen?
> Gå och lägg dig!
meh, det går ju inte. Barnen har inte somnat ännu, tiden när jag kan fokusera på nåt eget har inte ens börjat 🙂
> Reviving reading comprehension
> may be among the most urgent
> priorities for the future of civilisation.
Ok so what should we do then, in practice? One obvious thing I guess is to make sure kids don't have smartphones or similar in school. What else?
@amin that's great, thanks!
Nice! However that does not seem to show which ones have their own index, that's a very important piece of information in my opinion. For example #Mojeek has its own independent index, while DuckDuckGo does not (it uses Bing), but that difference is not seen in the list.
@Ibex Sverige erkände Palestina som stat 2014 och var då första EU-land att göra det. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/flera-europeiska-lander-vill-erkanna-palestinsk-stat
@Kellyshenanigans I'd recommend to yell out in public, write an "open letter", that kind of thing.
If you use any communication channel Microsoft themselves may have, what will happen is most likely that your message will be routed into some "AI" system which will "listen to your concerns" and then provide a fake (as in machine-generated) response to you, perhaps they will also read it to you as audio using the stolen voice of someone who declined to have their voce used for that.
> No one’s saying to give up using Google
Wait, no, I'm saying that. I'm saying exactly that!
Give up using Google. Right now.
Det här säger så himla mycket om vilket skit OpenAI och de flesta andra aktörer är.
@DavBot looks like it tries to be two things at once 🙂
📢 Exciting News for Developers!
Don’t miss the LibreOffice Technology Hackfest in Hungary, on June 4th and 5th, 2024!
See you soon! 👋
If you want to hear me talking about my recent paper "Ticket-based multi-strand method for increased efficiency in proof-of-work based blockchains" on the MoneroTalk/MoneroTopia podcast a few days ago, here is a link to that - it's at 3:16:35 into the podcast, those things are long 🙂
Good, fun discussion. The paper is here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.09531 - please let me know if you have any thoughts about the idea.
@karlemilnikka it's interesting that Google is a company worth 2 000 000 000 000 USD and ads is their main business but still they apparently do not have the resources or competence to clean out obviusly fake ads. Either that, or they willingly keep fake ads because they make money on those ads.
If thry do it on purpose I suppose that should be illegal, a form of fraud?
@landetannien finns det en hemsida eller liknande om det?
@jajo jag tycker att C kan förtjäna en röst för att de visat att de faktiskt kan hålla fast vid vissa principer. De har faktiskt sagt nej till en del av de auktoritära skit-förslag som blivit så vanliga på senare tid. De klarade att stå emot grupptrycket och stå kvar när resten av "alliansen" gick i auktoritär riktning.
@samuel this is not something I ever tested myself but this looks like it could be worth trying, maybe: https://github.com/rhasspy/piper
Wikileaksgrundaren Julian Assange får rätt att överklaga sin utlämning till USA.
– Det betyder att det som är själva hjärtat i det här fallet, följderna för yttrandefriheten och pressfriheten, kommer att tas upp i domstol, säger Rebecca Vincent på RSF.
#Wikileaks #julianassange #assange https://www.dn.se/varlden/julian-assange-far-overklaga-utlamning-till-usa/
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.