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@nf3xn Ukraine already has soldiers who are supposed to fight, but can't because they didn't receive weapons. Ukraine was promised more weapons than it received. Training is also a serious bottleneck; Ukraine can't train as many soldiers as it would like to. NATO help is invaluable here.

Eventually, Ukraine might find itself in a situation where it has enough weapons and training capacity, but not enough conscripted men. This is not today though.

@Watchdog_Polska Regularne pisanie wniosków o te same dane nie jest nadużyciem, tylko objawem niedostatecznej automatyzacji udostępniania i/lub przetwarzania danej informacji. Cieszę się, że znalazły się w raporcie fragmenty o podobnym wydźwięku.

@KalimarM76 @itsfoss Yeah, specialized proprietary software makes it hard to switch. Some of it works in Wine, but not always perfectly. Some of it has alternatives, but they can be inferior or require relearning.

BTW FreeCAD recently had a 1.0 release. I hope it will in time become a viable alternative to proprietary apps, just like Blender has.

@flohlaus @noelreports Casualties are more than just dead. Wounded, PTSD, otherwise ill...

@evacide @Erklaerbaer @eff @NPR Oh, right, there was something. I remember people got confused when suddenly their messages started disappearing because they only ever used the website, not the app.

How does Facebook chat compare to WhatsApp then?

@MoiraEve @noelreports Not Russia of course. If someone would try to force Russia to clean it up, Russia would start claiming that it was Ukrainians who sunk the ships, not the storm, and therefore Ukraine should clean it up.

@philip_cardella @eff @evacide @NPR It probably is. AFAIK the problem is that it protects only message contents, not metadata, nor user data like contacts. It also bugs the user to make a backup on Meta's servers until the user agrees and I doubt many users pick strong passwords or even any passwords at all.

@Erklaerbaer @eff @evacide @NPR It's inferior to Signal, but vastly superior to stuff like Facebook Messenger. It's also more popular than Signal.

@Watchdog_Polska Reklamy internetowe są jeszcze gorsze ze względu na śledzenie. Klikanie reklam politycznych ujawnia śledzącym poglądy polityczne użytkownika, więc tym bardziej odradzam komukolwiek interakcję z reklamami politycznymi.

@Watchdog_Polska Nie za bardzo rozumiem temat, ponieważ nie rozumiem, kto klika w reklamy. Nie kliknąłbym, nawet gdyby reklama była bardzo interesująca. Poza tym staram się blokować reklamy wszędzie gdzie się da, w tym na urządzeniach rodziny i znajomych. Reklamy mnie irytują i celowo mając do wyboru produkt, który kojarzę z reklamy i taki, którego reklamy nigdy nie widziałem, wybieram ten drugi.

@tuxicoman @ArtHarg @noelreports All intercontinental ballistic missiles are hypersonic by definition. "Hypersonic" is a word that Russia likes to use to scare people more.

@agitatra @echo_pbreyer You'd be surprised. Most people would keep sending plaintext messages and saying they have nothing to hide or that surveillance is for their own good.

@agitatra @echo_pbreyer Unfortunately this. We should still oppose legalizing mass surveillance, but we have to realize it's being done already at least by some actors.

@noelreports At least it's an opportunity to detect and strike this equipment.

@GuyBaddis @noelreports Nothing new. "CIA is airdropping colorado beetles on our potato fields! All our failures are the fault of the evil imperialist West! >:("

@wonka @EUCommission Assuming the data even needs permission requests in the first place. Some data (government funded for example) are released for public use for any purpose.

Another example: when someone discovers a new prime number, everyone is free to use this number for anything without asking.

Back to popular understanding of AI: I've published some art and code under licenses like CC0. No asking needed, even though I didn't even know about LLMs/image generators back then.

@wonka @EUCommission Why do people only think about image generators when they hear "AI"? The post even lists "health, energy, meteorology".

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Trochę populizmu i szejmingu nie zaszkodzi - pomyślała węgierska prezydencja i zastosowała tę myśl do tematu kontroli czatów #ChatControl. A oberwie się też Polsce, która jest tym razem w chlubnej mniejszości sprzeciwiającej się kontroli czatów.

Szczegóły na profilu @ella z biura @edri o tu:

@echo_pbreyer Too many people have this subconscious idea that if government has good intentions, it can never do wrong. It never makes mistakes, authorities won't ever abuse power, data breaches only happen to companies...

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