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@Gurre @noelreports Problem is that he doesn't have much choice, as he wants to stay in power, but the west doesn't like dictators.

@dacig @noelreports Ideally we should properly arm Ukraine (many units lack weapons like IFVs or tanks) and allow it to hit important targets: airfields, ammo storage, etc. If the West lacks own weapons (US doesn't), it could for example buy Soviet-era tanks from India or South Korea (India has 2200 tanks for sale). Russia would realize it won't make further gains, only incur costs, and start negotiations. After the war, defensive pacts with Ukraine to prevent Russia from starting another war.

@zaufanatrzeciastrona Typowy polityk.

1. Musimy coś zrobić.
2. To jest coś.
3. Dlatego musimy to zrobić.

@msbellows @noelreports This kind of material helped me truly solidify how evil and inhumane war is at its core. It's real, it's happening, and we need to stop it. Not just pause it, achieve a ceasefire, but to reach a state where it won't reignite again.

These people are writhing in pain, whether you see it or not. Only if you see it, you can do something about it.

@garbulix @echo_pbreyer @panoptykon Czyli pomysł gigantycznego unijnego programu podsłuchiwania całej komunikacji w Internecie powstał z inicjatywy amerykańskich firm, które sprzedają narzędzia do analizy komunikacji?

Banalność zła w pełnej krasie.

@Watchdog_Polska Jeśli wnioskuje się o dokumenty zawierające dane osobowe, to te dane są redagowane, czy również udostępniane jako część dokumentu? Ta druga opcja brzmi jak raj dla spamerów, oszustów, nękaczy, złodziei, itp.

@josephcox Software freedom is very important to regular people, but regular people don't realize it.

@noelreports You can see what's going in their heads: "this guy is confident, has an expensive car, might be someone important and we might get in trouble".

@jele @EUCommission These used to be allowed because no one knew they were harmful. They are very inert substances, which is why they are "forever" - if they don't interact with most other substances, they don't get broken down for a long time. Eventually it turned out that they do in fact interact with our bodies in some ways, causing problems.

@itsfoss Proprietary AI has all the same issues as proprietary software. Don't trust it.

@icd O ile wiem, to funkcji PPA w Firefoksie nie można nazwać śledzeniem, ponieważ jest specjalnie tak zaprojektowana, żeby nikt nie mógł się nic dowiedzieć o aktywności danego użytkownika.

@aerique @echo_pbreyer Not surprising. Governments want to have power over us. This also allows them to gain "think about the children" cookie points.

@dacig @noelreports Ukraine knows well that "peace" right now would simply allow Russia to rearm and attack again.

@avlcharlie @itsfoss If you use a license like AGPL, you'll scare off most of the corporations anyway.

@palin @noelreports Not really. The problem is entire Russian leadership. When Putin is replaced, Russia will pretend that it has changed and can be trusted. Don't believe it for a second.

@mcepl @noelreports I think it's more about:
- whether the treaties require actual help (Budapest Memorandum doesn't),
- whether the enemy has nuclear weapons capable of harming United States.

Still, you are right in that this is a big advertisement of nuclear weapons: "if you have nukes, no one will invade you even if your army is two people with with one gun to share".

@fsfe Please 3D print it, test it by making actual cookies and then post the results. Overly detailed cookie cutters often produce disappointing results.

@Walter8100000 @noelreports IDK where to get the images, but Suchomimus channel on YouTube has a video with zoomed-in comparison, analyzing the differences and trying to count how many buildings were destroyed.

@mariedocet @noelreports Budapest Memorandum was intentionally vague and non-committing. It did not require defending Ukraine, just not attacking it. Even in the exceptional case of nuclear attack on Ukraine, the obligation is only to "seek immediate UN Security Council action to provide assistance".

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