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@GreenFire @noelreports Old grids were typically designed for few big power sources, not many small ones. This is why a big power plant is easier to integrate, especially if you put it where a previous power plant used to be before it was bombed.

@GreenFire @noelreports Batteries are a valid solution, but without suitable grid, they only help power the place that uses them.

The obstacle of outdated grid can be overcome by simply modernizing it. The problem is of course time, money and political will, as always. In case of Ukraine, ongoing war and grid damage is also a problem.

@muzicofiel @noelreports That's a better alternative, though the best would be to leave it there and attach a plaque with context. At most, remove the pedestal to keep the monument low.

I generally don't like removal of monuments; usually it's better to attach an explanation about what's wrong with them. This way people can get educated.

@GreenFire @noelreports An outdated and damaged power grid might be an obstacle for distributed power production. Panels would produce power, but the grid could only accept a limited amount of that power. Some countries are facing similar problems right now with transition to renewables, where outdated grid is the main blocker for quick adoption.

@EUCommission We need to deliver enough weapons for Ukraine to win soon. Otherwise this war is going to drag on for years, causing more costs, damage and deaths.

@LinuxAndYarn @eff Or those who happen to be in contact books of people who use invasive social media apps.

@ike @itsfoss I got that 4 month reminder, so I'm reminding you. :P

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🇬🇧Leak on latest #ChatControl attempt (in German): +++ Only AUT, DEU, EST, LUX, POL, SVN were critical – no blocking minority! +++ BEL, CZE, FIN, ITA, NLD, PRT, SWE undecided +++ EU legal experts confirm violation of our fundamental rights +++ Only 5 days to next discussion +++

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@Draconic_NEO @the_ilmfurter @rail_ @mozilla I strongly disagree about AI, as the new on-device translation feature is great. I finally don't have to send everything to Google for translation. I can translate it privately in Firefox.

@pasci_lei @EUCommission If it didn't affect other people, then yes. But it does affect other people because of public health insurance. The more money is spent on treating diseases caused by smoke, the less money is available for treating everything else.

@panoptykon @zaufanatrzeciastrona @avolha @icd Swoją drogą jestem ciekaw jak wygląda kwestia śledzenia w aplikacjach mobilnych instytucji publicznych? Możliwe, że podobnie jak na stronach, lub jeszcze gorzej.

@openstreetmap I think you mistook content warnings for image descriptions aka alt text.

@noelreports The new Polish government seems to seek savings. Not sure if that is the reason.

@panoptykon @noybeu @UODO Często oprócz łatwo dostępnego przycisku "odrzuć", trzeba jeszcze wyrazić sprzeciw wobec uzasadnionych interesów, co jest już zakopane głębiej, a czasem nawet wymaga osobnego kliknięcia dla każdej firmy.

@noelreports NATO is not at war with Russia. You can tell that by the fact that Russia exists.

@eff Meshtastic seems to be a cool project. It would be a shame if they were impacted by a random company.

@EUCommission Hope EU will develop actually useful AI, e.g. for trash sorting, quality control, time series prediction, text and audio translation, TTS and STT, purely on-device personal assistants, etc.

@joaocosta @noelreports Most likely the discussion is whether to allow shooting down targets without visual confirmation. The reason it's currently not allowed is the possibility of accidentally misidentifying civilian aircraft and shooting them down.

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