@hajovonta @noelreports Google Translate says it means "DO NOT TAKE". Seems like a warning to avoid damage from mishandling.
@amayer @noelreports Some Chechens have surrendered, so yes. Or more accurately: Ukrainians have found them.
@eff States don't want to reduce harms. States want to expand surveillance to gain more power over you at all costs.
@mcc Another mystery then. It would be even funnier if the default launcher would be treated like an app.
@tarmoamer @noelreports Lightly armored Soviet-era tracked vehicle that Russia uses for everything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MT-LB
@svenvabar @noelreports From what I read, they are in service, but mostly used to shoot down drones and cruise missiles far away from front lines. That's because pilots still need more training and experience.
@q3k Życzę Wam, żeby, wysłuchawszy argumentacji, sędzia pokazał Newagowi pewien gest.
@mcc "That inexplicable white square in the center bottom of the screen" is probably launcher's app icon, since OS is treating the launcher like an app.
@icd To o Torze to artykuł z 2013 roku. Tor Browser już od dawna usuwa ciasteczka gdy jest zamykany. Od dłuższego czasu posiada też osobny "słoik" na ciasteczka dla każdej strony, więc np. reklama Google umieszczona na WP nie jest w stanie przeczytać ciasteczek z reklamy Google umieszczonej na Onecie. Tenże mechanizm został również dodany do zwykłego Firefoksa, gdzie nazywa się "całkowitą ochroną ciasteczek". https://support.mozilla.org/pl/kb/calkowita-ochrona-ciasteczek-potencjalne-awarie-witryn-faq
Następnym razem czytajcie proszę artykuły, które linkujecie.
@wxh @itsfoss You can also use this extension in Firefox to generate a QR code of current site's URL: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/url-to-qrcode/
(If you use Firefox Sync, you can just right click the tab and send it to another device.)
@congusbongus @ct_bergstrom There are many valid uses for various types of AI. Sorting trash, generating video subtitles, translating... People tend to focus on the less valid uses and act like these are the only possible uses.
@arandmoor @eff @Kansasdotcom The choice of algorithm, inputs and their weights can be biased too, or at least suboptimal. Even if it wasn't, it still takes the possibly biased historical sentencing as an input.
It's good they included score decay.
@noelreports Have fun! We'll be waiting. 👋
*hears Ukrainian*
"It must be Polish!"
*hears Polish*
"It must be French!"
*hears French*
*critical system failure*
@thomasfuchs It's the blogger's equivalent to "programmer art" in video games. AI images definitely signal "niche blog run by a person busy with other things" rather than "company blog run by professionals".
@ManyRoads @noelreports Like on many sites, the date is a permalink. (Assuming you are using a website, not an app.)
@cinek @noelreports It's more like 10% of gross minimal wage.
@theron29 @noelreports You can either wait for your server to receive it in full, or you can click the post date to visit the video's original server and watch it there.
@hayjay @noelreports IDK. I thought it's TOS-1, but that's mounted on tanks, not on MT-LB looking things..
@noelreports Makes sense, Russians reportedly took some forces from there to reinforce Kursk oblast.