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@mekkaokereke Must point out that white people are also effected, just in case the reader has lacking empathy for black people. Feels pretty distopian to have to reach out to the racists better sense. But I hate to emit it it caught my eye, so clearly it works.

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@gsuberland and subtitle everything, I hate when they don't subtitle the English in Korean drama. No I don't use subtitles because I don't understand Korean, I use them because I can't hear what the actors are saying.

@futurebird Yeah, were is my state mandated girlfriend I was promised. Can't believe they get their policies from incel forums.

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once again pissed off at censoring / sanitising language in subtitles. it's infantilising. I use subtitles all the time because of tinnitus and auditory processing issues, and I'll be damned if I want a bunch of handwringing prudish cunts fucking about with the language. censor ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in accessibility tools. I promise we're grown up enough to handle some swears and sex words, for shit's sake.

@gsuberland and subtitle everything, I hate when they don't subtitle the English in Korean drama. No I don't use subtitles because I don't understand Korean, I use them because I can't hear what the actors are saying.

@impactology I think everyone that thicks about their place in the world feels a bit alienated from time to time, or at least that's what I am telling my self to feel less alone with my feelings.

@foone the localisation team decided that it was important not to reinforce stereotypes. :)

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uspol? USA medicare vent 

uspol? USA medicare vent 

uspol? USA medicare vent 

@directhex @mcc no, I get it. It just sad to see it go.

@directhex @mcc if it ever become relevant to ship, I can give a couple a hundreds to divert from the landfill.

It's not worth a flight, and I have no plans in the UK, and aren't making any given the current circumstances.

@futurebird oh I thought you meant x as in a substitute holder. My understanding is that companies chose media outlets based on favourbility of their reporting, I don't know how they pick social network. Personally I prefer when orgs host their own press releases.

@futurebird I have about half my savings in stocks, whenever the market is like this I take a pause in my trading. Otherwise I am a fairly active trader, but their exist no pattern to panic.

@futurebird @PTR_K stocks are like groceries, always someone looking for a deal.

@PTR_K @futurebird oh, I want the media storm to be "weird". It's prescriptive rather then descriptive. I want this media storm to be weird, so therefore I call it weird.

@anthropy it's not anymore. But yeah year slept away sounds about right, that was after I mange to get away from the stress. The stresser was my home life when I still lived with my parents. I didn't get help until I was an "adult" until then I was only offered youth living centers that wanted to police my Internet habits, literally my only "safe place".

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@impactology a lot of people are terrified to be dependent on others and does everything they can to push people away, the thought of failure is terrifying. The last thing they want is to be embarrassed, that's a reminder that they are dependent on others.

@impactology a lot of people are terrified to be dependent on others and does everything they can to push people away, the thought of failure is terrifying. The last thing they want is to be embarrassed, that's a reminder that they are dependent on others.

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Everything that you know about design and designing, every every method, principle, thumb rule, procedure, pattern, process, concept, technique that got codified into what you think of best practices was socially constructed. It was conceived and imagined by folks trying to experiment.

Don't mistake thinking that a certain way of designing is set in stone.

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