@impactology in my experience that stems from "been their done that", without reflecting on the incredible changes that has occurred around them.
@sr_ekot four mysterious death at one battery manufacture? Nothing to see here, move along.
@sr_ekot four mysterious death at one battery manufacture? Nothing to see here, move along.
Polisen: Inget samband mellan Northvoltsarbetarnas död -> https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/8726798
Open-Source AMD GPU Implementation Of CUDA "ZLUDA" Has Been Taken Down
Back in February of this year you may recall the interesting news that was announced on Phoronix that AMD Quietly Funded A Drop-In CUDA Implementation Built On ROCm: It's Now Open-Source. That open-source ZLUDA code for AMD GPUs has been available since AMD quit funding the developer earlier this year. But now the code has been retracted. It's not from NVIDIA legal cha…
@anthropy I got burnt out, literally the only thing that occupied my mind without causing me more stress was Netflix.
@anthropy this reminds me of people complaining about the price of subscribing to every streaming service out there, speaking as someone that hasn't worked for the past decade I can barely keep up with the two I am subscribed to.
@anthropy when I learned that the financial time servers ads even when you are subscribed I was a bit miffed. I don't like running adblockers on site I actually pay for, but that is just ludicrous. And is the sole reason I refuse to use twitch, no official way to rid the ads.
@BlueWaver22 @w7voa the market is gonna market is the least hot take imaginable.
@hypolite I didn't mean to imply that it existed anything "right" about it, I merely used the term that company leadership use. Arguably I should have put it in quotes to demonstrate it's not a term of my own.
Words have different meaning in different context, I often struggle to pick up on implied under tone.
@futurebird fascist uses the cover of comedy to be racists fucks. it's not about being funny, it's about expressing vile views with minimal backlash.
I believe innuendo studio @ YouTube once called the tactic Schrödingers asshole.
@hypolite @futurebird oh, after the pandemic bump? That was a function of companies over hiring, they didn't know what would happen so they hired as many as they could and right sized later. The cost of such behaviour is brain drain, but apparently they decided it was worth losing the best and brights not to lose out to their competition.
@futurebird sure, but it's the media storm that's weird. The market does this kinda thing every quarter, it will back to normal in a couple of weeks. I also remember Bungie, they were literally lying about their prospect and pissed the crap out of Sony.
On the topic of growth it's made up, wealth is a legal fiction. By definition economic activity leads to more wealth, other wise it's not wealth. Wealth is the product of humans interacting.
@futurebird the only company that I know that are doing layoffs is Intel, but they are also canceling some of their more speculative investments. What's the point in keeping around people working on projects you have decided you can't afford?
@Patricia I don't wanna read Basel, but suffice to say you are at least half a decade behind.
Sweeney's done a much better job with this then I have. I realized this year that Apple's been actively exploiting one of my personal traits - that I generally refuse to participate in pointless arguments & logical fallacies. So by default I ignore the noise, but because its Apple, leaving it unsupervised allows it devolve into Dante's Inferno.
Aspiring Author.
I write to learn how to be human.
Wealth is a legal fiction.
Believer in absolute human rights.
Dyslexia, Autism, etc...