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Grief, loss, ChatGPT 

@goatsarah you should probably keep that closed. The only reason I can imagine a knob next to the stove is a gas shut off valve.

@aspiringcat That's awesome, always more fun to correct someones else work.

I have happily called my self an Atheists. I still believed it was more likely that Jesus Christ walked among us then (non-terrestrial) aliens.

The Labour Theory of Value is a scam, all humans are valuable regardless if they work or not.

@lp0_on_fire the main concern is cost, capacitive buttons are significantly cheaper.

Zoe boosted

It seems like the majority of medically-recognised #Autistic traits are not autistic traits per se.

They are trauma responses common in autistic people.

I'm "more interested in things than people?" Maybe "things" don't turn hostile on me for unexplained reasons.

I'm dogmatically insistent that nobody can understand my mind but me? Maybe my entire childhood was spent resisting adults telling me they knew my mind better than I did.

This is also why "autistic traits" can seem contradictory. Both "talks about their interests all the time even in inappropriate settings" and "never talks about their interests" can be part of a diagnosis.

Because the latter is a trauma response to having the former shut down.

Is there an untraumatised autistic person?

I actually don't think so. So the map of what autism looks like to clinicians is shaped by our trauma.

And this probably compounds their impression that we're somehow defective, which in turn compounds the attitudes used to break us.

I just wanna be seen as a person.

@malwaretech would you mind making this available in a format that is actually readable?, Reading moving text under time pressure isn't something I am capable of. @aeva @mdiluz because of linking, the compiler doesn't know if the object will be linked. The function can be called from another object.

@dneary @roadriverrail @mekkaokereke just for fun I will add another story a bit closer to home. Sweden changed the colour once in the 70's to make it more printable, and again in the 00's to improve the rendering on computer screens.

@dneary @roadriverrail @mekkaokereke the reason why you don't hear about things like the somewhat recent change to the French flag is that no one really cares, unless their is a lot of emotional trauma tied to the issue.

Short story the French changed the blue in their flag to show solidarity with the EU, Macron changed it back. looks like I misread the original tweet. Thought this was about vulkan.

Apologies for any misunderstandings.


Looks like the princess is in another castle.

"The input shaders in Mantle are specified in binary intermediate language (IL) format. The currently supported intermediate language is a subset of AMD IL."

@gabrielesvelto yes, that is what I was referring to. Totally an assumption on my part, so will be interesting to see how wrong I was. I don't remember exact history, but I am pretty sure both standards are taking from an AMD project. They aren't copying of each other, rather they copy from the same source (with explicit permission from AMD).

Zoe boosted

@MelodyWainscott @ct_bergstrom Dark partens is when you make an feature less accessible. This can be good thing as an example deleting the system files used to be easy on most early computers, effectively bricking the system. When you deploy dark partens to make it harder to stop paying for an service it is effectively abuse.

@jon didn't even occur to me that someone would use copy paste, obvious in retrospect.

English is my second language, that's why I wanted to know. Hope I didn't come of as a bit of a nitpicker.

Thanks for the patience.

@jon I was wondering because the error was not corrected in the image description, I would expect most to correct grammar errors in quotations (when not relevant to the text).

@jon Please tell me the "that" immediately following the word "drag queen" was supposed to be an "than", otherwise my comprehension of English grammar is more broken then thought.

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