Service is running Synapse 1.3.1 and Android app is in sync with upstream 0.9.4 plus helpful menu items for Librem One subscribers #libremchat
Librem Chat 1.0.1 has been published to the F-Droid, Google Play and Apple Stores. Updates include:
* Updated policy and forgot password links
* Updated default room server to Librem One
* Removed key backup (we don't hold your keys)
* Merged changes from Riot v0.9.2 (Android) and Riot v0.9.1 (iOS)
We're happy to declare a "1.0" for Librem Chat on iOS!
Source available and contributions welcome at
Boosts, changelogs and speculation from the Librem One team.
See @purism for big announcements, and our following list for projects that we're excited about!