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The Israeli government has cut off food, water, and fuel to 2 million people inside Gaza as part of its campaign to stamp out Hamas terrorism. Collective punishment is not only contrary to international law, it is inhumane and illogical. It is what my community once endured in World War II, all because of the actions of others who happened to share our ethnicity. Have we learned nothing? How will this possibly help deescalate the violence rather than radicalize many more? It is madness.

@AaronDavid haha it's the mountain effect*. Shadows should be on the bottom and highlights on top. But because the light source is low the effect is flipped.
*not the official name.

@cameron from Wikipedia: Some versions of the sauce are closer to a garlic mayonnaise, incorporating egg yolks and lemon juice.
So I've been eating Americanised aioli/garlic mayonnaise!?! 🤯

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In fact, for Alphabet, Meta, and #PayPal, the #emissions generated by their cash and investments (financed emissions) exceed all their other emissions combined.

>The Carbon Bankroll
>The Climate Impact and Untapped Power of Corporate Cash

Authors: Climate Safe Lending Network (CSLN), The Outdoor Policy Outfit (TOPO), and BankFWD



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I asked this a while ago and got no nibbles but let’s try again: I’m a librarian and archivist who will be visiting Iceland and Ireland in mid-October and I would LOVE to meet some library/archives/museum people/get some GLAM recommendations while I’m traveling. Please boost, thank you 💚💚💚💚

@zeh @alcinnz my wife got a Kobo in 2019. She connected it to the library app and is always loaning books out and loving it. No payments or ads. She hasn't said anything about the font but I'll see what it can do.

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“If you agree that Australia's Lunar Rover should be named Yarrum, after our first cultural astronomer, Yarrum Parpur Tarneen - please vote. She's not on the currency but she could be on the Moon.” Via Jessica Adams

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Normalize wearing a mask in public places when you're sick please!

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Dear American people,

This is your semi-regular reminder that
#Americans are not the only people using the internet and that the #UnitedStates - as lovely as it is - is not the only country. Actually, for the first time in the history of #socialmedia, you're not even the majority here, on the #Fediverse. This is a great learning opportunity.

So, a few tips:

- Beginner level: Normalize using "Americans" instead of "we," using "the
#US" instead of "here" (it's "there" for us), the name of the place you're talking about instead of "there" (it could be "here" for us), and the name of the people you're talking about instead of "they" (which sometimes sounds a bit derogatory, as if you didn't really care about other people... you care, right?) It really makes a difference.

- Intermediate level: When you talk about something happening in the US, do not assume and express yourself as if the United States was the default country and as if everyone understands the context of what's happening. Background information helps. Contextualization is gold. Once again, just adding "in the US" when you talk about something makes a world of a difference.

- Advanced level: Try to talk about other things than just American things. Open yourself to the rest of the world, and learn about it. It's an awesome place, really. And, in my opinion, the Fediverse is the perfect tool to interact with people from many other countries (you also could do that on your previous social media of choice, but I understand that it was easier to stay in your cultural bubble back then).

- Expert level: Try to use the metric system... No, I'm joking here. I know you can't. You get a free pass for this one. You can still keep on measuring in refrigerators, or watermelons, depending on the scale.
Well, maybe, just maybe, when you talk about temperatures, adding an "F" (or a "C" if you can) would help a bit. Yesterday, someone was talking about the crazy temperature of 46 degrees and I still don't know if they meant 46°F or 46°C as they're both pretty crazy temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere this time of the year.
Oh yes, my Australian friends also told me to remind you all (not just Americans this time) to be mindful of them when you talk about seasons (but they also added that they're used it when you don't... still, that'd be nice...)

Thank you for your understanding and your efforts. If you have any questions, we're here to help.

The Fediverse and the World, and me, your friend, DavidB.

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You can’t honestly claim to be working towards net zero while opening up new coal and gas projects. So we’re calling on the Australian Parliament to develop strong new laws that will stamp out systemic greenwashing by the fossil fuel industry, and put a stop to outrageous sustainability claims from some of the country’s worst environmental offenders

#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Australia

Looking at the donation page I saw this one from OSGeo Oceania. They also sponsor our little group GeoGreeks to run OSM Mapping days and QGIS evening talks.

Yep. The bus 8 minutes behind it has taken over! I am now on that bus and the original bus is now on track but 10 minutes late.

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The bus has taken the wrong turn. I wonder if it'll be late?


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When I was active at the wikipedia there were a group of other writers who would follow my around and mark my articles on women and black people for deletion. They marked my edits CN even when there was a citation. They reworded everything I wrote to minimize the contributions of minorities to history, and hint at theories of racial inferiority. I'd just go to the library and bury them in more citations. It was kind of violent TBH.

The matriarch of Perth Zoo passed away a few years ago. Now the Zoo is going to move the remaining 2 elephants to South Australia with other elephants from around Australia. They are going to join a herd and have a lot more space at the Safari Park.

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We have reached Earth Overshoot Day today, on 2 August 2023.

This is the day when we have used all of resources that the Earth can bear for the whole year. This means we would need 1.7 Earth planets to sustain our current resource use.


@jookia it's been many years but there are many solar powered Raspberry Pi projects. Create your setup with mains power and measure how much power you'll need and then find a project that'll give you the required energy.

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By the way, it has been over a century, folks.

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