Show more yeah, some cases would be, kill the author so you can use their works, or like the author of Wheel of Time, he didn't finish the series before he passed and now Amazon is making a TV series based off it.
The authors family could inherent money or businesses but not their creative works. interesting, I never thought of it that way. What about copyright after death?
It could be X years after creation or the life of the author/s, which ever is longer. That way corporations can have X years of copyright.
At the moment I think its 70 years after death.

@georift if it's for a chain and it's their own website and I think it's okay. Just as @barefootstache said for sites you don't know, add a note like fix me please physically check.

@georift how is copying the business details off the menu or window different to a website?

Dean boosted

Please boost for visibility: Global Accessibility Awareness day (#GAAD) is on May 19th. I’d like everyone that can to turn off your monitor, or close the laptop lid and connect a keyboard, or close your eyes, and turn on your OS screen reader, and use your computer with it. How does it make you feel? Do you know enough keyboard commands? Does it give you enough info? Does it make you enjoy using the computer? Do you feel productive? Why or why not? #a11y #screenreader #blind

Dean boosted

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated individual. So ... maybe calm down. -- Anon I like Web 3.0 the dot zero is important

Dean boosted
Dean boosted

Ableism and Covid 

Dean boosted

Today Google is turning on activity tracking for many users that previously turned it off. -

Effective today, Google is changing its Workspace Settings, including a change that activates activity tracking for all users of Google Workspace accounts even if the organizations admin disabled activity tracking for all users previously. What is more, admins can no longer control this setting for their users, but all users need to invidually toggle the tracking off again.

@devinprater why!? It's like Undercover Boss, you should feel grateful the gods of management come down to acknowledge your existence and how you make money for them. good article. Trying to use other words would increase my vocabulary as well. It's like when people use fuck to describe everything. You have to use context to understand what they mean. When I want to use a discriminatory phase or word I have to think what I really mean and say it better.

@TechNews Magpies are my favourite bird and we have a lot in Perth. I didn't know heatwaves were very bad for them. And I also haven't seen magpies roll on the ground and play with each other. So cool.

Dean boosted

You don’t want a DAO you just want a co-op. Just make a co-op or stop pretending you’re doing anything but building a pyramid scheme

food question, vegan/vegetarian 

Dean boosted

Problems we face today:

❌ Climate crisis
❌ Systemic inequality
❌ War, poverty, and disease

Silicon Valley’s solutions:

✅ Blockchain
✅ NFTs
✅ Billionaires in space

What planet are these people on?


@aral YouTube on any android web browser does the same.

@blindscribe reading your latest post, this seems to be more than an annoyance. I hope everything sorts itself out and you can get back to doing what you love.

@blindscribe I think SMS has less potential for man in the middle attacks then something like email. SMS does suffer from number porting. But the sites probably want as much personal information as they can get.

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