The #Seat and #Office of the #Papacy is the #Biblical #Historical #AntiChrist and #Man of the number #SixSixSix. #Romanism and #Papism is in the #grasp of the #Devil, the old #Snake and #Dragon. The #Protestant #Protested the #Whore of Rome and the #Poop and #unholy #Faker. #Christ and Christ alone is the #Head of the #Children of #Jehovah and the true #Light! Get out of the Bed and #Run from #Mystery #Babylon the #Great, The #Mother #Harlot of #Rome who is #Drunken by the #Blood of the #Saints.
Jayshua is God Almighty Jehovah! - The Poop and unholy Faker is the AntiChrist Man of the number 666!