The #Seat and #Office of the #Papacy is the #Biblical #Historical #AntiChrist and #Man of the number #SixSixSix. #Romanism and #Papism is in the #grasp of the #Devil, the old #Snake and #Dragon. The #Protestant #Protested the #Whore of Rome and the #Poop and #unholy #Faker. #Christ and Christ alone is the #Head of the #Children of #Jehovah and the true #Light! Get out of the Bed and #Run from #Mystery #Babylon the #Great, The #Mother #Harlot of #Rome who is #Drunken by the #Blood of the #Saints.
@darkijah Hi, i want to chat with you! Ive been watching some of your videos thinking, we could get in touch, talking about this and that. Some Librem5 related things and other stuff. Please try to send me a Mail, maybe it will not work, but lets have a try!