Ich erlebe bei #Twitter eine enorme Verschiebung bei den Kommentaren zu meinen Tweets nach rechts bzw. rechtsaußen. Wenn Ihr noch bei Twitter seid, geht Euch das auch so?
Solange Twitter noch existiert, sollte man so eine gravierende Verschiebung des Diskurses zulassen?
Viele Politiker:innen und Journalist:innen sind immer noch auf Twitter und nicht auf Mastodon. Darum poste ich weiter auf Twitter. Mental befinde mich aber schon Mastodon.
Wie macht Ihr das?
I wont spam anymore today, but I just wanted to share the game we did!
It was made by two people: me and @LucieLumia
It's a relaxing 3rd person exploration game in which you play as a Mouse!! 🐭🐭🐭
It's also available on Switch
For the purposes of finding my tribe for the #TwitterMigration ... let's see, what are some of my interests?
#Software, #programming, #tech, #gamedev, #musicproduction, #guitar, #drums, #synth, #synthesizers, #sounddesign, #photography, #ActionFigurePhotography, #hamradio, #motorcycles, #leatherworking
Anyone else out there enjoy these things too? #TwitterTakeover
Happy birthday KDE! Kool Desktop Environment (KDE) was announced on Oct 14, 1996 - a graphical interface for Unix systems, built with Qt and C ++ and designed for the end user. Also TUXEDO OS uses the KDE Plasma Desktop!
#kde #happybirthday #video #Congratulations @kdecommunity
Whisper: eine freie Speech-to-Text Engine
Endlich gibt es eine freie STT-Engine, die einfach zu bedienen ist und hervorragende Ergebnisse liefert.
#STT #Künstliche_Intelligenz #OpenAI #Sprache_zu_Text_Engine #Transkription
RT @JoernPL
"Sozialtourismus" war übrigens bereits 2013 „Unwort des Jahres“ - und da ging es nicht um geflüchtete aus einem Land, das von einem machthungrigen Despoten mit Atombomben bedroht wird! https://sz.de/1.1862368 #Merz
In 1952, the sitcom "I Love Lucy" expertly called out how dumb English can be. This is so good: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/w0f3k1/ricky_gets_a_refresher_course_in_the_grammer_of/
"Fani: I have seen references about #sustainability in #Librem5. At the #FSFE we are also dealing with sustainability in software. What do you understand as a sustainable technology? [..]
Guido: For me, technology that has been produced with sustainability in mind allows the user to replace software and parts, as well as #repair the device over a long period of time without special equipment. [..] having free drivers is a requirement for sustainability."
@fsfe @agx @purism
Techniker Krankenkasse:
- 1% der COVID Positiven wird mit #LongCovid krankgeschrieben - für satte 105 Tage im Schnitt.
- Insgesamt 13% der Versicherten hatte Covid. Summiert sich zu 1,3 Millionen Fehltage.
Domain names are the O.G. #NFT. Without a blockchain even :) You rent them for years, having big plans for them that never materialise, yet you can’t let go of them because someday, maybe, they will make you rich and famous. And the drug dealers keep on adding more TLDs ;)
⚠️ TIL
If you use #Microsoft #Outlook, it scans all of your arriving #email and sends the URLs to #Bing for indexing.
😬 #infosec
I'd love to grow my Argonaut projects to be more than just me! At the very least I'd love to rope in (and ideally have funding for) someone to handle inline text rendering & layout! But more than that, I'd like to be better set up cater to others' needs than I can as an individual.
Sometimes I wonder about founding an "Argonaut Foundation" to handle governance & funding. Though I certainly I try not to require anything near as large as Mozilla!
🗣️🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Be excellent to each other
Free Software, privacy
Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan