Wegen Kundenparkplätzen: Polizei schlägt Apotheker zusammen | APOTHEKE ADHOC
i'm kinda hyped about #jxl (#jpegXL). at first i didn't thought much of it, probably jet another marginal improvement to JPEG, that's probably riddled with patents, right? but it really isn't.
for one thing it's a successor of #FLIF, that cool lossless image codec, that i kinda though quietly died (perhaps some patent ruined it?).
but instead it was developed into FUIF and then merged with a google codec called Pik to be the successor to JPEG!
Public Domain Operating System http://www.pdos.org/ | https://lobste.rs/s/nwf4pn #osdev
"Aren't you müde from writing Rust programs in English? Do you like saying "scheiße" a lot? Would you like to try something different, in an exotic and funny-sounding language? Would you want to bring some German touch to your programs?
rost (German for Rust) is here to save your day, as it allows you to write Rust programs in German, using German keywords, German function names, German idioms."
GitHub - michidk/rost: Rust programming, in German. https://github.com/michidk/rost
With others, he founded the http://openlibrary.org project, making millions of books available for free online, and providing accessible versions for people with disabilities. (3/8)
Watch an award-winning documentary about Aaron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vz06QO3UkQ
Read more about the case: https://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/what-killed-aaron-swartz-095979
Read MIT's report on the case: http://swartz-report.mit.edu/
RT @Piraten_SN@twitter.com
Wahlplakate müssen auffallen und Botschaften kurz und einfach präsentieren.
Da Politik aber fast nie kurz und einfach ist, stellen wir euch unsere Plakate vor.
Teil 5: @stillnotlovin@twitter.com über #Transparenz statt #Korruption
Das Video zeigt wie Deutschland auf die #Klimakrise schaut: durch die Windschutzscheibe, sich sicher wähnend, ungläubig bis es zu spät ist
#FFF #FridaysForFutures #Politik #Klima #Umwelt #Zukunft #Krise #Erwärmung #Klimawahl #btw21 #AlleFürsKlima #klimakatastrophe
Just released a new app!
📣 Audio Sharing is available on Flathub now!
It's a small tool which allows you to stream your current computer audio over the network as a RTSP stream.
File not found; A generation that grew up with Google is forcing professors to rethink their lesson plans - Monica Chin @ The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z
I'm in the camp which finds this concept intuitive & would struggle to teach it. And I'm still young!
She's so cool.
(Und sie kandidiert in Sachsen. Sachsen!)
RT @C_AB_@twitter.com
Illegale #pushbacks, brennende Lager - unfaire Verfahren.
Es darf keinen politischen Kompromiss mehr bei #Menschenrechten geben.
Um für einen Gegenentwurf zur Seehoferpolitik zu streiten, kandidiere ich für den Bundestag.
By sharing the audio as a network stream, you can use devices that are not intended to be used as audio sinks (eg. smartphones) to receive it.
For example, there are audio accessories that aren't compatible with desktop computers (e.g. because the computer doesn't support Bluetooth). With the help of this small tool, the computer audio can be played back on a smartphone, which is then connected to the BT accessory.
You can get more details here:
sehr schön... jap, "krieg euren Arsch hoch am 26. September" (wenn ihr noch keine Briefwahl gemacht habt)! :)
#Meinung #DieDaOben #btw21 #erstwähler #wahl #Bundestagswahl
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