Ernstgemeinte Frage und ausdrücklich KEIN Trollversuch:
Was genau versprecht ihr euch vom Einsatz des Anhängsels *innen? Abgesehen davon, dass es im Deutschen eh nur im Plural funktioniert, wem genau soll wie damit geholfen werden? Welche Logik soll dahinter stecken?
Ich verstehe es wirklich nicht und möchte die Beweggründe und Philosophie dahinter kennen. Ich bervorzuge als Antwort übrigens persönliche Statements und keine Links zu irgendwelchen Seiten, weil ich es von EUCH hören will.
Das ZDF Magazin Royale
hat Daten und Dokumente veröffentlicht über die "EU-Grenzschutzagentur" Frontex, die vor allem bekannt ist für illegale Pushbacks gegen Flüchtende.
Neben diversen Waffen- und Sicherheitsfirmen war auch die Technische Universität Braunschweig
bei Lobby-Treffen von Frontex dabei und arbeitete Frontex in dem von 2017-2019 laufenden "ALFA Project" zur Grenzüberwachung zu.
"Masks and vaults: how anonymity overshadows real online privacy"
My latest opinion article projects my concerns about the fundamentally different concepts of privacy and anonymity being used interchangeably in many contexts. Slightly longer and more intense read than usual, but in the hope you will find it helpful. #linux #privacy #anonymity
I've always been annoyed, that there is no sane way to use programs on my android phone on my desktop and use the keyboard I'm working at.
Sometimes I want to send off an #sms and just want that dialog of the phone be available on my notebook.
On the #mobian #pinephone just compiled #waypipe as well as on my notebook.
On my notebook using waypipe called #chatty via ssh on my #pinephone. Chatty showed up on my notebook :).
Sending and receiving works.
In the last year Google has banned: the Element app, the LBRY app, and several Fediverse apps. If you get all of your apps from a single corporation, be it Google or Apple, you should make an effort to change that.
If you have an Android phone F-Droid is an alternative app repository, and it’s very easy to install! All of the previously mentioned apps have been available from F-Droid throughout being dropped from the Play Store.
If you have an iPhone, please consider other options for your next device. Apple does not respect you enough as a user to consider you possibly more capable of deciding what you should install on your phone than they are. That is absurd; please stop rewarding this behavior with your money.
While many people rightly are concerned with the power of companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google, the uproar around Section 230 is misplaced. It’s not 230 that is the problem. It’s oligopoly.
Clicking ads so you don't have to.
Google have suspended Element in the Play Store without notifying us; we're reaching out to find out what's going on. Apologies for the inconvenience; in the interim there's but it's a few versions behind. We'll post updates here.
New blog post: "Purism Librem 5: First impressions"
... and new video: "Unboxing the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen" //
Unboxing the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen
The best sea chanty I've seen yet from Rachel Tobac on Twitter.
🗣️🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Be excellent to each other
Free Software, privacy
Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan